- pargetting
- ˈpɑ:dʒɪtɪŋ сущ.
1) оштукатуривание
2) штукатурка
1. pres. p. от parget 2 pargetting, pargeting pres. p. от parget pargetting, pargeting pres. p. от parget ~ (орнаментная) штукатурка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
pargetting — par·get·ting … English syllables
pargetting — noun 1. plaster used to coat outer walls and line chimneys • Syn: ↑parget, ↑pargeting • Derivationally related forms: ↑parget (for: ↑parget) • Hypernyms: ↑pl … Useful english dictionary
pargeting — noun 1. plaster used to coat outer walls and line chimneys • Syn: ↑parget, ↑pargetting • Derivationally related forms: ↑parget (for: ↑parget) • Hypernyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
Crewe Hall — Crewe Hall: south face and entrance gates Crewe Hall is a Jacobean mansion located near Crewe Green, east of Crewe, in Cheshire, England. Described by Nikolaus Pevsner as one of the two finest Jacobean houses in Cheshire … Wikipedia
parget — 1. noun a) Gypsum or plaster stone. ,1952: The surface of the parget might be finished either smooth, with a coat of whitewash, or as rough cast with sand or small stones. mdash; L.F. Salzman, Building in England, p. 191. b) Plaster, as for… … Wiktionary
Pargeter — Recorded as Pargeter, Pargetter, and Pargiter, this is a medieval English surname It is of occupational origins, and has a long and honourable history. Pargetting was a form of house decorating originally practised in the East Anglian region, but … Surnames reference
Pargetter — Recorded as Pargeter, Pargetter, and Pargiter, this is a medieval English surname It is of occupational origins, and has a long and honourable history. Pargetting was a form of house decorating originally practised in the East Anglian region, but … Surnames reference
Pargiter — This is a medieval English occupational name with a long and honourable history. Pargetting was a form of house decorating originally practised in the East Anglian region, but ultimately across the country, being popular in the West Midlands. It… … Surnames reference
parget — [par′jit] vt. pargeted or pargetted, pargeting or pargetting [ME pargeten, pargetten < MFr pargeter, parjeter < par (< L per: see PER ), completely + jeter, to throw: see JET1] to put plaster or mortar on, esp. in a decorative way n. 1.… … English World dictionary
pargetry — noun ornamental plasterwork • Syn: ↑pargeting, ↑pargetting • Derivationally related forms: ↑parget, ↑parget (for: ↑pargetting), ↑parget ( … Useful english dictionary
Pargeting — Par get*ing, n. [Written also pargetting.] Plasterwork; esp.: (a) A kind of decorative plasterwork in raised ornamental figures, formerly used for the internal and external decoration of houses. (b) (In modern architecture), the plastering of the … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English