parent node

parent node
узел-родитель, узел-предок, родительский узел

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "parent node" в других словарях:

  • Parent (disambiguation) — Parent may refer to:*Parenting, comprising all the tasks involved in raising a child to an independent adult. Types of parents include: **Foster parent, an adult guardian to whom one or more children have been legally entrusted **Godparent, in… …   Wikipedia

  • Node (computer science) — A node is a record consisting of one or more fields that are links to other nodes, and a data field. The link and data fields are often implemented by pointers or references although it is also quite common for the data to be embedded directly in …   Wikipedia

  • Parent-Child Interaction Assessment-II (PCIA-II) — The Parent Child Interaction Assessment II (PCIA II; Holigrocki, Kaminski, Frieswyk, 1999, 2002) is a direct observation procedure. Parents and 3 to 10 year old children are videotaped as they play at a make believe zoo. They are presented with a …   Wikipedia

  • Red-black tree — A red black tree is a type of self balancing binary search tree, a data structure used in computer science, typically used to implement associative arrays. The original structure was invented in 1972 by Rudolf Bayer who called them symmetric… …   Wikipedia

  • Binary search tree — In computer science, a binary search tree (BST) is a binary tree data structurewhich has the following properties: *each node (item in the tree) has a value; *a total order (linear order) is defined on these values; *the left subtree of a node… …   Wikipedia

  • Binary tree — Not to be confused with B tree. A simple binary tree of size 9 and height 3, with a root node whose value is 2. The above tree is unbalanced and not sorted. In computer science, a binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node has at… …   Wikipedia

  • Red-black-tree — Ein Rot Schwarz Baum ist in der Informatik eine vom binären Suchbaum abgeleitete Datenstruktur, die sehr schnellen Zugriff auf die in ihr gespeicherten Werte garantiert. Rot Schwarz Bäume wurden zuerst 1972 von Rudolf Bayer beschrieben[1],… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Rot-Schwarz-Baum — Ein Rot Schwarz Baum ist in der Informatik eine vom binären Suchbaum abgeleitete Datenstruktur, die sehr schnellen Zugriff auf die in ihr gespeicherten Werte garantiert. Rot Schwarz Bäume wurden zuerst 1972 von Rudolf Bayer beschrieben[1],… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Schwarz-Rot-Baum — Ein Rot Schwarz Baum ist in der Informatik eine vom binären Suchbaum abgeleitete Datenstruktur, die sehr schnellen Zugriff auf die in ihr gespeicherten Werte garantiert. Rot Schwarz Bäume wurden zuerst 1972 von Rudolf Bayer beschrieben[1],… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • 2-3-4 tree — A 2 3 4 tree (also called a 2 4 tree), in computer science, is a self balancing data structure that is commonly used to implement dictionaries. 2 3 4 trees are B trees of order 4; like B trees in general, they can search, insert and delete in… …   Wikipedia

  • Nested set model — The nested set model is a particular technique for representing nested sets (also known as trees or hierarchies) in relational databases. The term was apparently introduced by Joe Celko; others describe the same technique without naming it [1] or …   Wikipedia

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