parent directory

parent directory
родительский каталог, вышестоящий каталог

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "parent directory" в других словарях:

  • Parent directory — In computing, the parent directory of a given directory A is the directory B in which A is located. In A s absolute path, B is the predecessor of A. In most computer file systems, every directory has an entry (usually named ..) which points to… …   Wikipedia

  • parent directory —    In a hierarchical directory system, such as that used by MS DOS, OS/2, Windows, and Unix, the directory immediately above the current directory. The special symbol .. is shorthand for the name of the parent directory.    See also period and… …   Dictionary of networking

  • parent directory — virškatalogis statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Katalogas, gaubiantis kitą katalogą to, gaubiamo, katalogo atžvilgiu. Virškatalogį gali gaubti kiti, dar didesni, virškatalogiai. Vienas į kitą įdėti katalogai sudaro katalogų medį.… …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • parent directory — directory above the current directory on the directory tree, directory to which the current directory belongs …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Directory traversal — A directory traversal (or path traversal) is to exploit insufficient security validation / sanitization of user supplied input file names, so that characters representing traverse to parent directory are passed through to the file APIs.The goal… …   Wikipedia

  • Directory traversal attack — A directory traversal (or path traversal) consists in exploiting insufficient security validation / sanitization of user supplied input file names, so that characters representing traverse to parent directory are passed through to the file APIs.… …   Wikipedia

  • directory —    In a hierarchical file system, a convenient way of organizing and grouping files and other directories on a disk. Sometimes called a folder. The beginning directory is known as the root directory, from which all other directories must branch.… …   Dictionary of networking

  • Directory service — A directory service is the software system that stores, organizes and provides access to information in a directory. In software engineering, a directory is a map between names and values. It allows the lookup of values given a name, similar to a …   Wikipedia

  • parent object —    In Novell Directory Services (NDS), an object that contains another object. This term is relative, because any particular parent object also has parent objects of its own and can be considered a child object from a certain perspective …   Dictionary of networking

  • directory markers — markers in a list of files which represents the current library and the parent library …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Home directory — A Home directory is a file system directory on a multi user operating system containing files for a given user of the system. The specifics of the home directory (such as its name and location) is defined by the operating system involved; for… …   Wikipedia

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