parent corporation

parent corporation
"родительская" корпорация, головная корпорация (центральная корпорация, подчиняющая себе все дочерние корпорации и филиалы) Ant : subsidiary corporation

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "parent corporation" в других словарях:

  • parent corporation — parent company or corporation Company owning more than 50 percent of the voting shares, or otherwise a controlling interest, of another company, called the subsidiary Compare holding company …   Black's law dictionary

  • parent corporation — corporation which controls one or more secondary corporations (secondary corporations are called daughter corporations) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • parent corporation — A corporation which owns all or the majority of the stock of another corporation so that the latter stands in the relation to it of a subsidiary. 18 Am J2d Corp § 17 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • corporation — cor·po·ra·tion /ˌkȯr pə rā shən/ n [Late Latin corporatio, from Latin corporare to form into a body, from corpor corpus body]: an invisible, intangible, artificial creation of the law existing as a voluntary chartered association of individuals… …   Law dictionary

  • parent company — A company may own one or more other companies which are its subsidiaries. The relationship between parent and subsidiary depends on majority control of the voting rights of shares or the ability to appoint the majority of directors. The precise… …   Law dictionary

  • corporation — An artificial person or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws of a state. An association of persons created by statute as a legal entity. The law treats the corporation itself as a person which can sue and be sued. The… …   Black's law dictionary

  • corporation — An artificial person or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws of a state. An association of persons created by statute as a legal entity. The law treats the corporation itself as a person which can sue and be sued. The… …   Black's law dictionary

  • parent — par·ent n 1 a: a person who begets or brings forth offspring; esp: the natural parents of a child born of their marriage ◇ The biological father of an illegitimate child is usu. not considered the child s parent absent a judicial determination of …   Law dictionary

  • parent-subsidiary merger — USA short form merger; Also known as parent subsidiary merger. A merger between a parent and its substantially (but not necessarily wholly) owned subsidiary, with the parent company as the surviving corporation, that does not require approval of… …   Law dictionary

  • parent — [per′ənt, par′ənt] n. [OFr < L parens, parent, orig. prp. of parere, to beget: see PAROUS] 1. a mother or father 2. a progenitor or ancestor 3. any animal, organism, or plant in relation to its offspring 4. anything from which other things are …   English World dictionary

  • parent company or corporation — Company owning more than 50 percent of the voting shares, or otherwise a controlling interest, of another company, called the subsidiary Compare holding company …   Black's law dictionary

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