- parchment-skin
- мед. пергаментная кожа , ксеродерма (медицина) "пергаментная кожа", ксеродерма
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
parchment — ► NOUN 1) a stiff material made from the skin of a sheep or goat, formerly used for writing on. 2) (also parchment paper) stiff translucent paper treated to resemble parchment. 3) informal a diploma or other formal document. ORIGIN Old French… … English terms dictionary
Parchment — Parch ment (p[aum]rch ment), n. [OE. parchemin, perchemin, F. parchemin, LL. pergamenum, L. pergamena, pergamina, fr. L. Pergamenus of or belonging to Pergamus an ancient city of Mysia in Asia Minor, where parchment was first used.] 1. The skin… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Parchment paper — Parchment Parch ment (p[aum]rch ment), n. [OE. parchemin, perchemin, F. parchemin, LL. pergamenum, L. pergamena, pergamina, fr. L. Pergamenus of or belonging to Pergamus an ancient city of Mysia in Asia Minor, where parchment was first used.] 1.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
parchment — [pärch′mənt] n. [ME parchemin < OFr < LL pergamina < L (charta) Pergamena, (paper) of PERGAMUM, where used as a substitute for papyrus: altered in OFr by assoc. with parche, parchment < LL parthica ( pellis), lit., Parthian (leather)] … English World dictionary
skin — [n] outer covering, especially of animate being bark, carapace, case, casing, coating, crust, cutis, derma, dermis, epidermis, fell, film, fur, hide, hull, husk, integument, jacket, membrane, outside, parchment, peel, pelt, rind, sheath,… … New thesaurus
Parchment repair — The repair and mending of parchment has taken place for thousands of years. Methods from the earliest hand stiching of tears to today s use of modern equipment to mend and fill parchment show the importance we have placed on its preservation and… … Wikipedia
Parchment — For other uses, see Parchment (disambiguation). Central European (Northern) type of finished parchment made of goatskin stretched on a wooden frame Parchment is a thin material made from calfskin, sheepskin or goatskin, often split. Its most… … Wikipedia
skin — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. flay, peel, decorticate; Slang, fleece, cheat. See divestment, stealing. n. integument, cuticle, dermis, epidermis; pelt, hide; rind; veneer, plating, lamina; parchment. See covering. II (Roget s… … English dictionary for students
parchment — parchmentlike, parchmenty, adj. /pahrch meuhnt/, n. 1. the skin of sheep, goats, etc., prepared for use as a material on which to write. 2. a manuscript or document on such material. 3. a stiff, off white paper resembling this material. 4. a… … Universalium
parchment — [[t]pɑ͟ː(r)tʃmənt[/t]] parchments 1) N UNCOUNT In former times, parchment was the skin of a sheep or goat that was used for writing on. ...old manuscripts written on parchment. 2) N UNCOUNT Parchment is a kind of thick yellowish paper. ...an old… … English dictionary
Parchment — This rare and unusual name embodies a long and most interesting history. As a surname, it is a metonymic applied, quite literally, to a parchment maker or seller. The word parchment was derived, via the Middle English and Old French parchemin ,… … Surnames reference