Смотреть что такое "parcellation" в других словарях:
parcellation — noun the division into parcels the increasing parcellation of land with every generation • Derivationally related forms: ↑parcel • Hypernyms: ↑division … Useful english dictionary
parcellation — par·cel·la·tion … English syllables
Connectome — A connectome is a comprehensive map of neural connections in the brain. The production and study of connectomes, known as connectomics, may range in scale from a detailed map of the full set of neurons and synapses within part or all of the… … Wikipedia
Cytoarchitectonics — ( … Wikipedia
Cytoarchitectonics of the cerebral cortex — The cytoarchitectonics of the cerebral cortex is the study of neuronal cell bodies cytoarchitecture in the cerebral cortex of the brain. Contents 1 History 2 Nissl staining 3 See also … Wikipedia
Lateral geniculate nucleus — Brain: Lateral geniculate nucleus Hind and mid brains; postero lateral view. (Lateral geniculate body visible near top.) Latin Corpus geniculatum laterale Part of Thalamus System … Wikipedia
Cingulate cortex — Brain: Cingulate cortex Medial surface of left cerebral hemisphere … Wikipedia
Oskar Vogt — (April 6, 1870–July 30, 1959 in Freiburg im Breisgau) was a German physician and neurologist. He was born in Husum Schleswig Holstein. Vogt studied medicine at Kiel and Jena, obtaining his doctorate from Jena in 1894. Vogt was married to the… … Wikipedia
Anatomical Automatic Labeling — (AAL) is a software package and digital atlas of the human brain.It is typically used in functional neuroimaging based research to obtain neuroanatomical labels for the locations in 3 dimensional space where the measurements of some aspect of… … Wikipedia
Szymon Konarski — (1808 ndash; 1839) was a Polish 19th century radical democratic politician, and revolutionary. As a politician, Konarski supported the radical idea of both social and economical equality for all men, as well as the right of political and national … Wikipedia
Supplementary motor area — The supplementary motor area (SMA) is a part of the sensorimotor cerebral cortex (perirolandic, i.e. on each side of the Rolando or central sulcus). It was included, on purely cytoarchitectonic arguments, in area 6 of Brodmann and the Vogts. It… … Wikipedia