- paraselenae
- ˌpærəsɪˈli:ni: pl от paraselene paraselenae pl от paraselene
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Paraselenae — Paraselene Par a*se*le ne, n.; pl. {Paraselen[ae]}. [NL., from Gr. para beside + selh nh the moon: cf. F. paras[ e]l[ e]ne.] (Meteor.) A mock moon; an image of the moon which sometimes appears at the point of intersection of two lunar halos. Cf.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
paraselenae — n. pseudo moon, mock moon, radiant moon shaped spot on a lunar halo … English contemporary dictionary
Moon dog — A halo around the Moon and a pair of moon dogs over the observatory at the University of Alberta, Canada. This article is about the optical phenomenon. For other uses, see Moondog (disambiguation). A moon dog or moondog (scientific name… … Wikipedia
paraselene — paraselenic /par euh si lee nik, len ik/, adj. /par euh si lee nee/, n., pl. paraselenae / nee/. Meteorol. a bright moonlike spot on a lunar halo; a mock moon. Also called moondog. Cf. parhelion. [1645 55; < NL, equiv. to para PARA 1 + Gk seléne… … Universalium
Ложная луна — (параселена) относительно яркий светящийся участок на лунном гало. Возникает вследствие преломления лунного света в плоских шестиугольных кристаллах льда в перисто слоистых облаках. Лож … Википедия
paraselene — [ˌparəsɪ li:ni] noun (plural paraselenae ni:) a bright spot in the sky similar to a parhelion but formed by moonlight. Origin C17: mod. L., from Gk para beside + selēnē moon … English new terms dictionary
paraselene — /pærəsəˈlini/ (say paruhsuh leenee) noun (plural paraselenae /pærəsəˈlini/ (say paruhsuh leenee)) a bright moon like spot on a lunar halo; mock moon. Compare parhelion. {New Latin, from Greek para para 1 + selenē moon} …
paraselene — [par΄ə sə lē′nē] n. pl. paraselenae [par΄ə sə lē′nē] [ModL: see PARA 1 & SELENE] a moonlike optical illusion caused by moonlight passing through ice crystals in the upper atmosphere paraselenic [par΄ə səlen′ik] adj … English World dictionary
paraselene — n. (pl. paraselenae) a bright spot, esp. an image of the moon, on a lunar halo. Also called mock moon. Etymology: mod.L (as PARA (1), Gk selene moon) … Useful english dictionary