parallel port
Смотреть что такое "parallel port" в других словарях:
parallel port — ➔ port1 * * * parallel port UK US noun [C] IT ► a place on a computer where you can connect printers, cameras, and other types of equipment that store data → Compare SERIAL PORT(Cf. ↑serial port) … Financial and business terms
Parallel-Port — Parallel Port, der Eingabe /Ausgabeanschluss für Geräte mit paralleler Schnittstelle. Er enthält 25 Pins, welche Kontrollsignale, Statussignale und Datensignale aufnehmen. Die Daten werden über acht Leitungen gleichzeitig (parallel) übertragen … Universal-Lexikon
parallel port — noun count COMPUTING a connection between a computer and another piece of equipment, for example a printer, that uses more than one wire to carry information ─ compare SERIAL PORT … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Parallel port — A parallel port is a type of interface found on computers (personal and otherwise) for connecting various peripherals. It is also known as a printer port or Centronics port. The IEEE 1284 standard defines the bi directional version of the… … Wikipedia
parallel port — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms parallel port : singular parallel port plural parallel ports computing a connection between a computer and another piece of equipment, for example a printer, that uses more than one wire to carry information •… … English dictionary
parallel port — noun an interface between a computer and a printer where the computer sends multiple bits of information to the printer simultaneously • Syn: ↑parallel interface • Hypernyms: ↑interface, ↑port * * * ˈparallel port 7 [parallel port] … Useful english dictionary
parallel port — lygiagretusis prievadas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Prievadas, per kurį duomenys tarp kompiuterio ir išorinių jo įtaisų persiunčiami lygiagrečai, daugeliu laidų. Per lygiagretųjį prievadą dažniausiai jungiamas spausdintuvas.… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
parallel port — lygiagrečioji jungtis statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Jungtis, per kurią duomenys tarp kompiuterio ir išorinių jo įtaisų persiunčiami lygiagrečai, daugeliu laidų. Per lygiagrečiąją jungtį dažniausiai jungiamas spausdintuvas. atitikmenys … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
parallel port — An input/output (I/O) port that manages information eight bits at a time; often used to connect a parallel printer. See also parallel communications; RS 232 C; serial communications; serial port … Dictionary of networking
parallel port — /ˈpærəlɛl pɔt/ (say paruhlel pawt) noun Computers a port which enables several bits of data to be sent or received concurrently. Compare serial port …
parallel port — noun A physical interface capable of transmitting multiple bits of data simultaneously, unlike a serial port … Wiktionary