Смотреть что такое "paragraphia" в других словарях:
paragraphia — [par΄ə graf′ē ə] n. [ModL < Gr para ,PARA 1 + graphein, to write: see GRAPHIC] a form of aphasia, usually due to cerebral injury, characterized by the unintentional omission, transposition, or insertion of letters or words in writing … English World dictionary
paragraphia — /par euh graf ee euh/, n. Psychiatry. a disorder marked by the writing of words or letters other than those intended, or the loss of the ability to express ideas in writing, usually caused by a brain lesion. [1875 80; < NL; see PARA 1, GRAPH, IA] … Universalium
paragraphia — 1. Loss of the power of writing from dictation, although the words are heard and comprehended. 2. Writing one word when another is intended. [para + G. grapho, to write] * * * para·graph·ia graf ē ə n a condition (as in some mental disorders) in… … Medical dictionary
paragraphia — n. unintentional writing of words or letters (Psychiatry) … English contemporary dictionary
paragraphia — para·graph·ia … English syllables
paragraphia — n. a disorder of writing, involving the omission or transposition of letters or of whole words. The appearance of this in adult life is usually due to damage to the brain. In childhood it usually reflects a developmental delay in learning to… … The new mediacal dictionary
paragraphia — /pærəˈgræfiə/ (say paruh grafeeuh) noun a cerebral disorder marked by the writing of words or letters other than those intended, or the loss of ability to express ideas in writing. {New Latin, from Greek para para 1 + graphia writing} …
paragraphia — n. writing of unintended words or letters … Dictionary of difficult words
paragraphia — ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈgrafēə noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin, from para (I) + graphia : a condition in mental disorder or brain injury in which words or letters other than those intended are written … Useful english dictionary
Параграфия (Paragraphia) — нарушение письма, характеризующееся пропуском или перестановкой местами отдельных букв или целых слов в предложении. Развитие параграфии у взрослых людей обычно бывает связано с поражением головного мозга. У детей наличие параграфии… … Медицинские термины
параграфия — (paragraphia; пара + греч. grapho писать) расстройство письма в форме неправильного написания отдельных слов или букв, замены одних букв другими … Большой медицинский словарь