Смотреть что такое "paraclete" в других словарях:
Paraclete — • Another name for the Holy Ghost. Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Paraclete Paraclete † … Catholic encyclopedia
Paraclete — Par a*clete, n. [L. paracletus, Gr. para klhtos, from parakalei^n to call to one, to exhort, encourage; para beside + kalei^n to call.] An advocate; one called to aid or support; hence, the Consoler, Comforter, or Intercessor; a term applied to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
paraclete — index advocate (counselor) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Paraclete — mid 15c., Paraclit, from Fr. paraclet (13c.), from M.L. paracletus, from Gk. parakletos advocate, intercessor, from parakalein to call to one s aid, in later use to comfort, to console … Etymology dictionary
paraclete — [par′ə klēt΄] n. [ME paraclit < OFr paraclet < LL(Ec) paracletus < Gr paraklētos (in N.T., the Holy Spirit) < parakalein, to call, summon (in N.T., to comfort) < para ,PARA 1 + kalein, to call: see CLAMOR] 1. an advocate;… … English World dictionary
Paraclete — For the school of Peter Abelard, see Oratory of the Paraclete. Paraclete comes from the Koine Greek word , , paraclete is used to describe the intercessory role of Jesus Christ. And in John 14:16 Jesus says another paraclete will come to help his … Wikipedia
paraclete — noun /ˈpæɹəkliːt/ an advocate, especially the Holy Spirit , 1963: He passed a block of bright posters. One of them extolled domestic gas: a smiling toy paraclete called Mr Therm presided over a sort of warm Holy Family. Anthony Burgess, Inside Mr … Wiktionary
Paraclete — Another name for the Holy Ghost, signifying one who is invoked to aid or comfort. It was this word our Lord used when He said, I will send you another Comforter, i.e., Paraclete. Elsewhere, the word is also translated Advocate … American Church Dictionary and Cyclopedia
Paraclete High School — Infobox Secondary school name = Paraclete High School motto = Come, light of the Heart. established = 1963 type = Private Principal = faculty = 50 students = 876 mascot = The Spirit colors = Scarlet and Gold city = Lancaster state = California… … Wikipedia
Paraclete — noun Etymology: Middle English Paraclyte, from Late Latin Paracletus, Paraclitus, from Greek Paraklētos, literally, advocate, intercessor, from parakalein to invoke, from para + kalein to call more at low Date: 15th century Holy Spirit … New Collegiate Dictionary
paraclete — /par euh kleet /, n. 1. an advocate or intercessor. 2. (cap.) the Holy Spirit; the Comforter. [1400 50; < ML, LL Paracletus < LGk Parákletos comforter, lit., (person) called in (to help), verbid of parakaleîn (equiv. to para PARA 1 + kaleîn to… … Universalium