Смотреть что такое "parachuting" в других словарях:
Parachuting — Parachuting, also known as skydiving, is where a person jumps from enough height so that he can deploy a fabric parachute and land safely.The history of parachuting appears to start with Andre Jacques Garnerin who made successful parachute jumps… … Wikipedia
parachuting — par a*chut*ing, n. The act or process of descending from a high altitude to the ground by means of a parachute. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
parachuting — noun descent with a parachute he had done a lot of parachuting in the army • Syn: ↑jump • Derivationally related forms: ↑parachute, ↑jump (for: ↑jump) • … Useful english dictionary
parachuting — [[t]pæ̱rəʃuːtɪŋ[/t]] N UNCOUNT Parachuting is the activity or sport of jumping from an aircraft with a parachute. His hobby is freefall parachuting … English dictionary
parachuting — noun The sport of jumping with a parachute … Wiktionary
parachuting — par|a|chut|ing [ perə,ʃutıŋ ] noun uncount the activity of jumping out of an airplane wearing a parachute … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
parachuting — n. skydiving, dropping from an aircraft with a parachute par·a·chute || pærəʃuËt n. cloth dome shaped device used for descent from airplanes v. skydive, jump from an airplane with a parachute … English contemporary dictionary
parachuting — UK [ˈpærəˌʃuːtɪŋ] / US [ˈperəˌʃutɪŋ] noun [uncountable] the activity of jumping out of a plane wearing a parachute … English dictionary
parachuting instructor — person who teaches parachute jumping … English contemporary dictionary
Canadian Sport Parachuting Association — The Canadian Sport Parachuting Association (CSPA), through affiliation with the Aero Club of Canada (ACC), is Canada’s representative to the Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI), and the International Parachute Commission (IPC), and is… … Wikipedia
Teddy bear parachuting — is a game in which teddy bears equipped with parachutes are dropped from a height. It is increasing in popularity as a charity fundraiser, and competitions based on the descent time are also common.A typical teddy bear parachute may be made from… … Wikipedia