parachute pay

parachute pay
надбавка к окладу за службу в парашютно-десантных войсках

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "parachute pay" в других словарях:

  • parachute — par a*chute, v. i. TO descend to th ground from an airplane or other high place using a parachute; as, when the plane stalled, he parachuted safely to the ground. [PJC] {golden parachute} a generous set of financial benefits, including severance… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Parachute en or — Parachute doré Un parachute doré (en anglais « golden handshake ») ou parachute en or[1] est une prime de départ prenant la forme d une clause contractuelle entre un dirigeant d une société anonyme et l entreprise qui l emploie. Elle… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • parachute — parachutic, adj. parachutist, parachuter, n. /par euh shooht /, n., v., parachuted, parachuting. n. 1. a folding, umbrellalike, fabric device with cords supporting a harness or straps for allowing a person, object, package, etc., to float down… …   Universalium

  • Parachute doré — Un parachute doré ou parachute en or Le terme technique est « prime de départ » ou « indemnité de départ », on parle de parachute doré quand la valeur de la prime paraît excessive est une prime de départ prenant la forme d une …   Wikipédia en Français

  • drogue parachute — parachute par a*chute, v. i. TO descend to th ground from an airplane or other high place using a parachute; as, when the plane stalled, he parachuted safely to the ground. [PJC] {golden parachute} a generous set of financial benefits, including… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • golden parachute — parachute par a*chute, v. i. TO descend to th ground from an airplane or other high place using a parachute; as, when the plane stalled, he parachuted safely to the ground. [PJC] {golden parachute} a generous set of financial benefits, including… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Golden parachute — Parachute doré Un parachute doré (en anglais « golden handshake ») ou parachute en or[1] est une prime de départ prenant la forme d une clause contractuelle entre un dirigeant d une société anonyme et l entreprise qui l emploie. Elle… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Executive pay — is financial compensation received by an officer of a firm, often as a mixture of salary, bonuses, shares of and/or call options on the company stock, etc. Over the past three decades, executive pay has risen dramatically beyond the rising levels …   Wikipedia

  • golden parachute — gold·en para·chute n: an agreement providing for generous compensation to an executive upon dismissal (as because of a merger) Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. golden parachute …   Law dictionary

  • Golden parachute — A golden parachute is a non contractual agreement between a company and an employee (usually upper executive) specifying that the employee will receive certain significant benefits if employment is terminated. Sometimes, certain conditions,… …   Wikipedia

  • Golden parachute — Compensation paid to top level management by a target firm if a takeover occurs. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * golden parachute ˌgolden ˈparachute noun [countable] HUMAN RESOURCES an arrangement in which a senior employee of a… …   Financial and business terms

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