Parabolic — Par a*bol ic, Parabolical Par a*bol ic*al, a. [Gr. paraboliko s figurative: cf. F. parabolique. See {Parable}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Of the nature of a parable; expressed by a parable or figure; allegorical; as, parabolical instruction. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
parabolic — (adj.) mid 15c., from L.L. parabolicus, from Gk. parabolikos figurative, from parabole (see PARABLE (Cf. parable)) … Etymology dictionary
parabolic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) of or like a parabola or part of one. 2) of or expressed in parables … English terms dictionary
parabolic — parabolic1 [par΄ə bäl′ik] adj. [LL parabolicus < LGr parabolikos] of, in the form of, or expressed by a parable: also parabolical parabolically adv. parabolic2 [par΄ə bäl′ik] adj. 1. of or like a parabola 2. bowl shaped, as a reflector,… … English World dictionary
parabolic — PARABÓLIC1, Ă, parabolici, ce, adj. De forma unei parabole1; curbat. – Din fr. parabolique, germ. parabolisch. Trimis de valeriu, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 PARABÓLIC2, Ă, parabolici, ce, adj. Cu caracter de parabolă2; alegoric. – Din fr.… … Dicționar Român
parabolic — [[t]pæ̱rəbɒ̱lɪk[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n A parabolic object or curve is shaped like a parabola. ...a parabolic mirror … English dictionary
parabolic — adjective Etymology: in sense 1, from Late Latin parabola parable; in sense 2, from New Latin parabola Date: 1669 1. expressed by or being a parable ; allegorical 2. of, having the form of, or relating to a parabola < motion in a parabolic curve… … New Collegiate Dictionary
parabolic — parabolic1 /par euh bol ik/, adj. 1. having the form or outline of a parabola. 2. having a longitudinal section in the form of a paraboloid or parabola: a parabolic reflector. 3. of, pertaining to, or resembling a parabola. [1695 1705; PARABOL(A) … Universalium
parabolic — 1. adjective a) Of, or pertaining to, or in the shape of a parabola or paraboloid b) Of or pertaining to a parable 2. noun A parabolic function, equation etc … Wiktionary
Parabolic cylindrical coordinates — are a three dimensional orthogonal coordinate system that results from projecting the two dimensional parabolic coordinate system in theperpendicular z direction. Hence, the coordinate surfaces are confocal parabolic cylinders. Parabolic… … Wikipedia
Parabolic coordinates — are a two dimensional orthogonal coordinate system in which the coordinate lines are confocal parabolas. A three dimensional version of parabolic coordinates is obtained by rotating the two dimensional system about the symmetry axis of the… … Wikipedia