paperboard plant

paperboard plant
картонная фабрика

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "paperboard plant" в других словарях:

  • Paperboard — Corrugated fiberboard made from paperboard Paperboard is a thick paper based material. While there is no rigid differentiation between paper and paperboard, paperboard is generally thicker (usually over 0.25 mm/0.010 in or 10 points)… …   Wikipedia

  • Plant stem — Stem showing internode and nodes plus leaf petioles A stem is one of two main structural axes of a vascular plant. The stem is normally divided into nodes and internodes, the nodes hold buds which grow into one or more leaves, inflorescence… …   Wikipedia

  • Tembec — Inc. (TSX|TBC), a paper company in Canada, was created in 1973 in the town of Témiscaming, in Quebec near the border of Ontario. The town’s economic lifeblood, a pulp mill owned by a large multinational corporation, was shut down in 1972. The… …   Wikipedia

  • papermaking — [pā′pər māk΄iŋ] n. the making of paper papermaker n. * * * pa·per·mak·ing (pāʹpər mā kĭng) n. The process or craft of making paper.   paʹper·mak er n. * * * Introduction       formation of a matted or felted sheet, usually of cellulose fibres,… …   Universalium

  • Corrugated fiberboard — is a paper based material consisting of a fluted corrugated sheet and one or two flat linerboards. It is widely used in the manufacture of corrugated boxes and shipping containers. The corrugated medium and linerboard are made of containerboard,… …   Wikipedia

  • Agriculture and Food Supplies — ▪ 2007 Introduction Bird flu reached Europe and Africa, and concerns over BSE continued to disrupt trade in beef. An international vault for seeds was under construction on an Arctic island. Stocks of important food fish species were reported… …   Universalium

  • Temple-Inland — Temple Inland, Inc. nyse|TIN is an American paper, building products and financial services company based in Austin, Texas. It has approximately 19,500 employees. Its paper group operates under the name Inland Paperboard and Packaging Group, its… …   Wikipedia

  • wood — wood1 woodless, adj. /wood/, n. 1. the hard, fibrous substance composing most of the stem and branches of a tree or shrub, and lying beneath the bark; the xylem. 2. the trunks or main stems of trees as suitable for architectural and other… …   Universalium

  • Wood — /wood/, n. 1. Grant, 1892 1942, U.S. painter. 2. Leonard, 1860 1927, U.S. military doctor and political administrator. * * * I Hard, fibrous material formed by the accumulation of secondary xylem produced by the vascular cambium. It is the… …   Universalium

  • Austria — Austrian, adj., n. /aw stree euh/, n. a republic in central Europe. 8,054,078; 32,381 sq. mi. (83,865 sq. km). Cap.: Vienna. German, Österreich. * * * Austria Introduction Austria Background: Once the center of power for the large Austro… …   Universalium

  • Pulp (paper) — Fibres in wood pulp Pulp is a lignocellulosic fibrous material prepared by chemically or mechanically separating cellulose fibres from wood, fibre crops or waste paper. Wood pulp is the most common raw material in papermaking. Contents …   Wikipedia

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