paperback edition

paperback edition
издание в бумажном/мягком переплете дешевое издание

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "paperback edition" в других словарях:

  • Paperback edition — Издание в бумажной обложке; Издание в мягком бумажном переплете …   Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии

  • Paperback — book with a green cover Paperback, softback or softcover describe and refer to a book by the nature of its binding. The covers of such books are usually made of paper or paperboard, and are usually held together with glue rather than stitches or… …   Wikipedia

  • edition — e‧di‧tion [ɪˈdɪʆn] noun [countable] 1. a copy of a book that is printed at one particular time. Second, third etc editions of a book may contain changes to the previous book: • These chapters did not appear in the first edition. • A new edition… …   Financial and business terms

  • Edition (book) — The bibliographical definition of an edition includes all copies of a book printed “from substantially the same setting of type,” including all minor typographical variants. First edition According to the definition of edition above, a book… …   Wikipedia

  • paperback — /pay peuhr bak /, n. 1. a book bound in a flexible paper cover, often a lower priced edition of a hardcover book. adj. 2. (of a book) bound in a flexible paper cover: a paperback edition of Orwell s novel. 3. of, for, or pertaining to paperbacks …   Universalium

  • edition — noun Etymology: Middle French, from Latin edition , editio publication, edition, from edere to bring forth, publish, from e + dere to put or dere (from dare to give) more at do, date Date: 1555 1. a. the form or version in which a text is… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • edition — e|di|tion W3 [ıˈdıʃən] n [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: editus, past participle of edere to give out, produce ] 1.) the form that a book, newspaper, magazine etc is produced in ▪ a paperback edition ▪ the US edition of Marie Claire magazine 2 …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • edition — [[t]ɪdɪ̱ʃ(ə)n[/t]] ♦♦ editions 1) N COUNT: usu supp N An edition is a particular version of a book, magazine, or newspaper that is printed at one time. A paperback edition is now available at bookshops. Syn: version 2) N COUNT: usu supp N An… …   English dictionary

  • edition — n. 1 a one of the particular forms in which a literary work etc. is published (paperback edition; pocket edition). b a copy of a book in a particular form (a first edition). 2 a whole number of copies of a book, newspaper, etc., issued at one… …   Useful english dictionary

  • edition — The total number of copies of a publication printed from a single typesetting or at one specified time. May also refer to the form which a publication takes such as a hardbound or paperback edition. Also, the means of identifying the various… …   Black's law dictionary

  • edition — The total number of copies of a publication printed from a single typesetting or at one specified time. May also refer to the form which a publication takes such as a hardbound or paperback edition. Also, the means of identifying the various… …   Black's law dictionary

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