Смотреть что такое "papain" в других словарях:
Papain — Papain … Deutsch Wikipedia
Papain — Pa*pa in, n. [From {Papaw}.] (Physiol. Chem.) A proteolytic ferment, like trypsin, present in the juice of the green fruit of the papaw ({Carica Papaya}) of tropical America. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Papaïn — Papaïn, s. Papayotin … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Papain — Papaīn, Papayotin, Papayazin, Papaw, vegetabilisches Pepsin, eiweißverdauendes Ferment aus dem Milchsaft von Carica papaya L. (s. Carica), löst bei Körpertemperatur Fleisch und andere Eiweißstoffe auf; Heilmittel bei Magen und Darmkrankheiten … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
papain — papàīn m <G papaína> DEFINICIJA biol. enzim u mliječnom soku papaje, koristi se u medicini ETIMOLOGIJA v … Hrvatski jezični portal
papain — [pə pā′in, pəpī′in] n. [ PAPA(YA) + IN1] a protein splitting enzyme from the juice of unripe papaya, used as a digestive aid, as a meat tenderizer, in pharmacy, etc … English World dictionary
Papain — protein Name = Papain caption = Papain from Carica papaya width = 240 HGNCid = Symbol = AltSymbols = EntrezGene = OMIM = RefSeq = UniProt = PDB = 1PPP ECnumber = Chromosome = Arm = Band = LocusSupplementaryData = Papain is a cysteine… … Wikipedia
Papain — Pa|pa|in 〈n. 11; unz.〉 Eiweiß spaltendes Enzym * * * Pa|pa|in [nlat. Carica papaya = Papaya oder Melonenbaum; ↑ in (3)], das; s, e: aus dem Milchsaft unreifer Papayafrüchte gewinnbares Enzymgemisch, das neben dem eigtl. Papain (212… … Universal-Lexikon
papain — papaya pa*pa ya, n. [Prob. from the native name in the West Indies; cf. Sp. papayo papaw, papaya the fruit of the papaw.] 1. (Bot.) A tree ({Carica Papaya}) of tropical America, belonging to the order {Passiflore[ae]}; called also {papaw} and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
papain — /peuh pay in, puy in/, n. 1. Biochem. a proteolytic enzyme found in the fruit of the papaya tree, Carica papaya. 2. Pharm. a commercial preparation of this used as a meat tenderizer and in medicine as a digestant. [1885 90; PAPA(YA) + IN2] * * *… … Universalium
papain — pa·pa·in pə pā ən, pī n a crystallizable protease in the juice of the green fruit of the papaya obtained usu. as a brownish powder and used chiefly as a tenderizer for meat and in medicine as a digestant and as a topical agent in the debridement… … Medical dictionary