panoramic camera

panoramic camera

1. панорамный фотоаппарат
2. панорамный киносъемочный аппарат

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "panoramic camera" в других словарях:

  • Panoramic camera — Panoramic Pan o*ram ic, Panoramical Pan o*ram ic*al, a. 1. Of, pertaining to, or like, a panorama; exhibiting a very broad view; as, a panoramic view. [1913 Webster] {Panoramic camera}. See under {Camera}. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence: Presented with… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Panoramic camera — Camera Cam e*ra, n.; pl. E. {Cameras}, L. {Camerae}. [L. vault, arch, LL., chamber. See {Chamber}.] A chamber, or instrument having a chamber. Specifically: The {camera obscura} when used in photography. See {Camera}, and {Camera obscura}. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • panoramic camera — noun : a camera for taking panoramic pictures by revolving a lens so that the film is exposed through a narrow vertical slit or by rotating the camera so that adjacent areas of the film are exposed consecutively * * * a still camera having a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • panoramic camera — panoraminis fotoaparatas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Aerofotografijoje – fotoaparatas, kuris dėl judančių veidrodžių ar optikos sistemos aprėpia didelį vietovės plotą, paprastai nuo horizonto iki horizonto. Orlaivyje toks fotoaparatas… …   NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • panoramic camera — panoraminis fotoaparatas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Fotoaparatas, kuris sukdamasis apie vertikaliąją ašį, einančią per lęšio centrą, plačiai aprėpia fotografuojamą vietovę. atitikmenys: angl. panoramic camera pranc. appareil… …   NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • panoramic camera — A camera that takes photographs from horizon to horizon. This type of camera is extensively used in low level high speed photography. Some designs utilize a lens that revolves about an axis perpendicular to the optical axis; in other designs, the …   Aviation dictionary

  • panoramic camera — 1. In aerial photography, a camera which, through a system of moving optics or mirrors, scans a wide area of the terrain, usually from horizon to horizon. The camera may be mounted vertically or obliquely within the aircraft, to scan across or… …   Military dictionary

  • panoramic camera — a still camera having a movable lens that horizontally scans a view while exposing a long photographic plate or strip of film. [1875 80] * * * …   Universalium

  • Doppel-Sport Panoramic Camera — The Doppel Sport Panoramic Camera was created in 1912 by Julius Neubronner in Kronberg, Germany to take aerial photographs by means of pigeon photographers. Neubronner ha …   Wikipedia

  • Leme panoramic camera — The Leme panoramic camera was invented by Sebastião Carvalho Leme, a photographer living in Marília, São Paulo, Brasil.In 1957, an entrepreneur requested a picture of his buildings, which stood at three of the corners of a street crossing, and he …   Wikipedia

  • Panoramic photography — is a format of photography that aims to create images with exceptionally wide fields of view, but has also come to refer to any photograph that is cropped to a relatively wide aspect ratio ( see Panoramic format ) While there is no formal… …   Wikipedia

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