Pandect — Pan dect, n. [L. pandecta, pandectes, Gr. ? all receiving, all containing; pa^s, pa^n, all + ? to receive: cf. F. pandectes, pl.] 1. A treatise which comprehends the whole of any science. [1913 Webster] [Thou] a pandect mak st, and universal book … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pandect — I (code of laws) noun body of law, canon, canon of laws, charter, code, codification, codified law, collection of laws, complete body of laws, digest, digest of law, enactment, legal code, principles, statute book II (treatise) noun analysis,… … Law dictionary
pandect — *compendium, syllabus, digest, survey, sketch, précis, aperçu … New Dictionary of Synonyms
pandect — [pan′dekt΄] n. [Fr pandecte < LL Pandectae, the Pandects < L, pl. of pandectes, an all inclusive book < Gr pandektēs, lit., all receiving < pan, all (see PAN ) + dechesthai, to contain, receive < IE * dek̑ : see DECENT] 1. [often… … English World dictionary
pandect — noun Etymology: Late Latin Pandectae, the Pandects, digest of Roman civil law (6th century A.D.), from Latin, plural of pandectes encyclopedic work, from Greek pandektēs all receiving, from pan + dechesthai to receive; akin to Greek dokein to… … New Collegiate Dictionary
pandect — /pan dekt/, n. 1. pandects, a complete body or code of laws. 2. a complete and comprehensive digest. 3. Pandects, Roman Law. digest (def. 12b). [1525 35; < LL Pandectes < Gk pandéktes all receiver (pan PAN + déktes receiver, container,… … Universalium
pandect — noun a) A treatise or similar work that is comprehensive as to a particular topic. b) A comprehensive collection of codes or laws … Wiktionary
pandect — Synonyms and related words: Code Napoleon, Napoleonic code, abbreviation, abbreviature, abrege, abridgment, abstract, article, body of law, brief, capitulary, capsule, causerie, code, code of laws, codification, compend, condensation, condensed… … Moby Thesaurus
pandect — n. treatise that covers the whole of any science; a country s complete code of the laws, country s system of law; legal code … English contemporary dictionary
pandect — [ pandɛkt] noun chiefly historical a complete body of the laws of a country. ↘(the Pandects) a 6th century compendium of the Roman civil law. Derivatives pandectist noun Origin C16: from Fr. pandecte, from L. pandecta, from Gk pandektēs all… … English new terms dictionary
pandect — pan·dect … English syllables