panama canal
Смотреть что такое "panama canal" в других словарях:
Panamá, Canal de — ► Canal interoceánico que comunica el Pacífico con el Atlántico (mar Caribe), cortando el istmo de Panamá. El puerto atlántico es Cristóbal, y el del Pacífico, Balboa. Lesseps inició la empresa con capitales franceses, pero la compañía quebró en… … Enciclopedia Universal
Panama Canal — ship canal across the Isthmus of Panama, connecting the Caribbean Sea (hence, Atlantic Ocean) and the Pacific Ocean: c. 50.7 mi (82 km) long: see also CANAL ZONE … English World dictionary
Panama Canal — a ↑canal (=artificial river) that connects the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans across the Isthums of Panama, allowing ships to avoid having to sail around the southern part of South America. It opened in 1914, after ten years of building, and is 64… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Panama Canal — The Panama Canal is a man made canal in Panama which joins the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. One of the largest and most difficult engineering projects ever undertaken, it had an enormous impact on shipping between the two oceans, replacing the… … Wikipedia
Panama Canal — a canal extending SE from the Atlantic to the Pacific across the Isthmus of Panama. 40 mi. (64 km) long. * * * Canal of the lake and lock type, Panama. Extending across the Isthmus of Panama, it connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. It is… … Universalium
Panama Canal — An interoceanic waterway across the Panamanian isthmus initially envisaged by Spanish conquerors in the sixteenth century. Between the sixteenth and the twentieth centuries there was an isthmian road that suddenly became vitally important in… … Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914
Panamá Canal — Sp Panãmos kanãlas Ap Panamá Canal L Panamos sąsmaukoje, Panama … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Panama Canal Zone — CANAL ZONE * * * ➡ Panama Canal * * * … Universalium
Panama Canal Zone — CANAL ZONE … English World dictionary
Panama Canal Zone — Coordinates: 9°07′03.61″N 79°43′12.60″W / 9.1176694°N 79.720167°W / 9.1176694; 79.720167 … Wikipedia
Panama Canal expansion project — The Third Set of Locks Project is a megaproject that will expand the Panama Canal. The expansion will be greater than at any time since the canal s construction. The Panama Canal Authority proposed the project after years of study. Panamanian… … Wikipedia