pan and tilt

pan and tilt

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "pan and tilt" в других словарях:

  • Pan and Tilt — WikiV A device upon which a camera can be mounted that allows movement in both the azimuth (pan) and in the vertical plane (tilt).[7] …   Audio and video glossary

  • pan-and-tilt — adj. denoting a stand, tripod, or other item of mounting equipment that allows a camera to move in both horizontal and vertical planes …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pan and scan — is one method of adjusting widescreen film images so that they can be shown within the proportions of a standard definition 4:3 aspect ratio television screen, often cropping off the sides of the original widescreen image to focus on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Pan and Scan — Recadrage (vidéo) Une image initialement au format 2.35:1 qui a subi un traitement Pan and scan afin qu elle soit réduite au format 1.33:1. Le terme recadrage ou Pan and scan (de l anglais pivoter et découper) ou Pan scan fait référence à un… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Pan and scan — Recadrage (vidéo) Une image initialement au format 2.35:1 qui a subi un traitement Pan and scan afin qu elle soit réduite au format 1.33:1. Le terme recadrage ou Pan and scan (de l anglais pivoter et découper) ou Pan scan fait référence à un… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • pan and scan — 1. adjective Formatted to fit within proportions of a 1.33:1 or 1.78:1 aspect ratio television screen, with sides of the original widescreen image (especially 2.35:1 aspect ratio) cropped off. Paul disdained pan and scan DVD releases, always… …   Wiktionary

  • Pan & Scan — Recadrage (vidéo) Une image initialement au format 2.35:1 qui a subi un traitement Pan and scan afin qu elle soit réduite au format 1.33:1. Le terme recadrage ou Pan and scan (de l anglais pivoter et découper) ou Pan scan fait référence à un… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Pan\/Tilt Preset Positioning — WikiV Follower pots are installed on pan/tilt unit to allow feedback to the controller and provides information relevant to horizontal and vertical positioning, allowing the controller to quickly adjust to a pre selected scene automatically …   Audio and video glossary

  • tilt —    To tilt is to rotate a camera up or down. Also see cinema, cinematography, pan, panning shot, tracking shot, video, and zoom …   Glossary of Art Terms

  • pan —    , panning shot    To pan is to rotate a camera about its vertical axis. Also see cinema, cinematography, fish eye lens, tilt, tracking shot, video, wide angle shot, and zoom …   Glossary of Art Terms

  • British diesel and electric multiple units — Multiple Unit is a term used to describe a train which does not have a separate locomotive. Typically these are passenger trains with accommodation in every vehicle and motors or engines distributed under the floor along the length of the train.… …   Wikipedia

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