- paludal
- pəˈlju:dl прил.
1) болотный;
болотистый Syn : marsh, boggy
2) малярийный Syn : malarial (медицина) болотный;
малярийный paludal болотный;
болотистый ~ малярийный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Paludal — is derived from the Latin word palus ( marsh ).*Paludal, in geology, refers to sediments that accumulated in a marsh environment. *Paludal, in ecology, refers to the environment of a marsh … Wikipedia
Paludal — Pa*lu dal, a. [L. palus, udis, a marsh.] Of or pertaining to marshes or fens; marshy. [R.] [1913 Webster] {Paludal fever}, malarial fever; so called because generated in marshy districts. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
paludal — [pə lo͞od′ l, pal′yoo dəl] adj. [ML paludalis < L palus (gen. paludis), marsh < IE base * pel > FULL1, Gr pēlos, clay, mud, bog] 1. of a marsh or marshes; marshy 2. Archaic malarial … English World dictionary
paludal — adjective /pəˈluːdəl/ pertaining to marshes, marshy, palustral, especially designating a plants habitat , 1936: Omega Froid running out through the Gulf Stream into the paludal bed of the Sargasso Sea, running through the marsupials and the… … Wiktionary
Paludal fever — Paludal Pa*lu dal, a. [L. palus, udis, a marsh.] Of or pertaining to marshes or fens; marshy. [R.] [1913 Webster] {Paludal fever}, malarial fever; so called because generated in marshy districts. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
paludal forest — raistas statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Miško augavietės tipas, būdingas nederlingoms žemapelkėms. Pagrindinis šių augaviečių miško tipas – viksvinis beržynas iš plaukuotųjų beržų, dažni juodalksnynai. atitikmenys: angl. bog … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
paludal — adjective Etymology: Latin palud , palus marsh; akin to Sanskrit palvala pond Date: circa 1820 of or relating to marshes or fens ; marshy … New Collegiate Dictionary
paludal — of a marsh or marshes … Dictionary of ichthyology
paludal — /peuh loohd l, pal yeuh dl/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to marshes. 2. produced by marshes, as miasma or disease. [1810 20; < L palud (s. of palus) swamp, marsh + AL1] * * * … Universalium
paludal — Obsolete term for malarial. [L. palus, marsh] * * * pa·lu·dal pə lüd əl, pal yəd əl adj of or relating to marshes or fens … Medical dictionary
paludal — Synonyms and related words: boggish, boggy, fenny, marish, marshy, mirish, miry, moorish, moory, muddy, paludous, poachy, quaggy, quagmiry, spouty, swampish, swampy, uliginous … Moby Thesaurus