- palmer-worm
- (энтомология) личинка бабочки-медведицы
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
palmer worm — palmer worm, any one of various caterpillars that appear in large numbers and are destructive to fruit trees, such as the larva of an American moth that feeds on apple leaves. ╂[earlier palmer < palmer1 (from its wandering habits)] … Useful english dictionary
palmer-worm — palmˈer wormˈ noun A hairy caterpillar of various kinds, orig one of wandering habits • • • Main Entry: ↑palmer … Useful english dictionary
Palmer-worm — (Heb. gazam). The English word may denote either a caterpillar (as rendered by the LXX.), which wanders like a palmer or pilgrim, or which travels like pilgrims in bands (Joel 1:4; 2:25), the wingless locusts, or the migratory locust in its… … Easton's Bible Dictionary
palmer worm — Ūhini hulu ole … English-Hawaiian dictionary
palmer — 1pàl·mer s.m.inv. TS sport → tubolare {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1918. ETIMO: da Palmer, nome del fabbricante di pneumatici J. Palmer. 2pal·mer s.m.inv. ES fr. {{wmetafile0}} TS tecn. apparecchio per misurare il diametro o lo spessore di piastre,… … Dizionario italiano
Palmer — n. 1 hist. a a pilgrim returning from the Holy Land with a palm branch or leaf. b an itinerant monk under a vow of poverty. 2 a hairy artificial fly used in angling. 3 (in full palmer worm) a destructive hairy caterpillar of a European moth,… … Useful english dictionary
Stuart Palmer — (June 21 1905 February 4, 1968) was a popular mystery novel author and screenwriter, best known for his character, Hildegarde Withers.Palmer was born in Baraboo, Wisconsin, was descended from some of the earliest English colonists, (and) had held … Wikipedia
Hap Palmer — (legal name Harlan G. Palmer III) is an American children s musician whose songs specialize in developing motor skills, language acquisition, math and reading skills, and overall basic skills aimed at young children. Palmer released his first… … Wikipedia
Stuart Palmer — (21 de junio de 1905 4 de febrero de 1968) fue un popular novelista de misterio estadounidense, autor y guionista, conocido especialmente a través de la protagonista de sus novelas: Hildegarde Withers. Nacido en Baraboo, Wisconsin, era… … Wikipedia Español
SS Washingtonian — was a cargo ship launched in 1913 by the Maryland Steel Company as one of eight sister ships for the American Hawaiian Steamship Company. At the time of her launch, she was the largest cargo ship under American registry. During the United States… … Wikipedia
Industrial espionage — Teapot with Actresses, Vezzi porcelain factory, Venice, ca. 1725. The Vezzi brothers were involved in a series of incidents of industrial espionage. It was these actions that led to the secret of manufacturing Meissen porcelain becoming widely… … Wikipedia