pair correlation
Смотреть что такое "pair correlation" в других словарях:
pair correlation model — porinių koreliacijų modelis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. pair correlation model vok. Paarkorrelationsmodell, n rus. модель парных корреляций, f pranc. modèle des corrélations de paires, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Montgomery's pair correlation conjecture — In mathematics, Montgomery s pair correlation conjecture is a conjecture made by Hugh Montgomery (1973) that the pair correlation between pairs of zeros of the Riemann zeta function (normalized to have unit average spacing) is which, as… … Wikipedia
Correlation and dependence — This article is about correlation and dependence in statistical data. For other uses, see correlation (disambiguation). In statistics, dependence refers to any statistical relationship between two random variables or two sets of data. Correlation … Wikipedia
correlation — 1. The mutual or reciprocal relation of two or more items or parts. 2. The act of bringing into such a relation. 3. The degree to which variables change together. product moment c. a statistical procedure which yields the c. coefficient referred… … Medical dictionary
Canonical correlation — In statistics, canonical correlation analysis, introduced by Harold Hotelling, is a way of making sense of cross covariance matrices.DefinitionGiven two column vectors X = (x 1, dots, x n) and Y = (y 1, dots, y m) of random variables with finite… … Wikipedia
Concordant pair — In statistics, a concordant pair is a pair of a two variable (bivariate) observation data set {X1,Y1} and {X2,Y2}, where: Correspondingly, a discordant pair is a pair, as defined above, where and the sign function, often represented as sgn, is… … Wikipedia
Partage de fichiers en pair à pair — Un partage de fichiers en pair à pair est un réseau qui permet de partager des fichiers entre plusieurs ordinateurs connectés entre eux par Internet. Chaque internaute pouvant être serveur et receveur d’un autre internaute. Ils forment ainsi des… … Wikipédia en Français
Electronic correlation — refers to the interaction between electrons in a quantum system whose electronic structure is being considered. The term correlation stems from mathematical statistics and means that two distribution functions, f and g , are not independent of… … Wikipedia
Currency Pair: EUR/USD (Euro/U.S. Dollar) — The abbreviation for the euro and U.S. dollar (EUR/USD) pair or cross for the currencies of the European Union (EU) and the United States (USD). The currency pair tells the reader how many U.S. dollars (the quote currency) are needed to purchase… … Investment dictionary
Cross-correlation — In signal processing, cross correlation is a measure of similarity of two waveforms as a function of a time lag applied to one of them. This is also known as a sliding dot product or sliding inner product. It is commonly used for searching a long … Wikipedia
Intraclass correlation — In statistics, the intraclass correlation (or the intraclass correlation coefficient [Cite encyclopedia last = Koch first = Gary G. authorlink = Gary G. Koch title = Intraclass correlation coefficient encyclopedia = Encyclopedia of Statistical… … Wikipedia