- paid-up premium
- оплаченная страховая премия
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
premium — pre·mi·um / prē mē əm/ n 1: the difference between the face value or par value of a security and its market price when the latter is greater compare discount 2: the price paid for an insurance contract equal to the cost per unit times the number… … Law dictionary
Premium-rate telephone number — Premium rate telephone numbers are telephone numbers for telephone calls during which certain services are provided, and for which prices higher than normal are charged. Unlike a normal call, part of the call charge is paid to the service… … Wikipedia
premium — [prē′mē əm] n. pl. premiums [L praemium, reward, recompense < prae , before + emere, to take: see PRE & REDEEM] 1. a reward or prize, esp. one offered free or at a special low price as an added inducement to buy or do something; bonus 2. an… … English World dictionary
Premium — Pre mi*um, n.; pl. {Premiums}. [L. praemium, originally, what one has got before or better than others; prae before + emere to take, buy. See {Redeem}.] 1. A reward or recompense; a prize to be won by being before another, or others, in a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
premium pay — ➔ pay1 * * * premium pay UK US noun [U] (also premium) HR, WORKPLACE ► money that is paid in addition to someone s regular rate of pay for working extra hours, at night, etc.: »The additional shifts offer premium pay that is 1.1 to 1.5 times the… … Financial and business terms
premium — ► NOUN (pl. premiums) 1) an amount paid for a contract of insurance. 2) a sum added to an ordinary price or other payment. 3) (before another noun ) (of a commodity) superior and more expensive. ● at a premium Cf. ↑at a premium … English terms dictionary
premium pay — premium pay, wages at more than the basic rate for overtime work or for work on holidays or weekends: »The union retains six paid holidays, with provision for premium pay if a worker was required to work on those days (New York Times) … Useful english dictionary
premium price — premium ,price noun count a price that is much higher than what is usually paid for something … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
premium — consideration paid for an insurance policy. Glossary of Business Terms (1) The additional payment allowed by exchange regulation for delivery of higher than required standards or grades of a commodity against a futures contract. (2) In speaking… … Financial and business terms
premium — A reward for an act done. Brown v. Board of Police Com rs of City of Los Angeles, 58 Cal.App.2d 473, 136 P.2d 617, 619. See also bonus A bounty or bonus; a consideration given to invite a loan or a bargain, as the consideration paid to the… … Black's law dictionary
Premium — (1) Amount paid for a bond above the par value. (2) The price of an option contract; also, in futures trading, the amount the futures price exceeds the price of the spot commodity. Related: inverted market premium payback period. Also called… … Financial and business terms