- paddlers
- употр. с гл. во мн. ч.: детские резиновые непромокаемые штанишки
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
paddlers — pædlÉ™(r) n. one who paddles … English contemporary dictionary
Tofino Paddlers Inn — (Тофино,Канада) Категория отеля: Адрес: 320 Main Street, V0R 2Z0 Тофино, Канада … Каталог отелей
Nehru Trophy Boat Race — Paddlers training for Nehru trophy boat race The Nehru Trophy Boat Race is a popular Vallam Kali held in the Punnamada Lake near Alappuzha, Kerala, India. Vallam Kali or Vallamkali literally means boat play/game, but can be translated to boat… … Wikipedia
Dragon boat — This article is about Dragon boats and racing. For the festivals and holidays associated with dragon boats, see Duanwu Festival. Dragon boat Traditional Chinese 龍舟 Simplified Chinese 龙舟 … Wikipedia
Outrigger canoeing — Outrigger canoes. The canoe in the front right, with a narrower hull and smaller body, is a single person outrigger canoe, or OC1. The other canoes are six person outrigger canoes, or OC6. Outrigger canoeing is a sport in which an outrigger canoe … Wikipedia
Douglas C. Gordon — Doug Gordon Born Douglas Cameron Gordon 1956 Died October 16, 1998 Tsangpo River, Eastern Tibet Nationality American Alma mater Harvard University … Wikipedia
Sea kayak — A sea kayak on Valdes Island, British Columbia, Canada. A sea kayak or touring kayak is a kayak developed for the sport of paddling on open waters of lakes, bays, and the ocean. Sea kayaks are seaworthy small boats with a covered deck and the… … Wikipedia
Kayak — A kayak is a small human powered boat. It typically has a covered deck, and a cockpit covered by a spraydeck. It is propelled by a double bladed paddle in the hands of a sitting paddler. The kayak was used by the native Ainu, Aleut and Eskimo… … Wikipedia
Canoe — A canoe is a small narrow boat, typically human powered, though it may also be powered by sails or small electric or gas motors. Canoes usually are pointed at both bow and stern and are normally open on top, but can be covered. In its human… … Wikipedia
Whitewater — is formed in a rapid, when a river s gradient drops enough to disturb its laminar flow and create turbulence, i.e. form a bubbly, or aerated and unstable current; the frothy water appears white. The term is also used loosely to refer to less… … Wikipedia
Creeking — Two kayakers watch their friend at the lip of a 40 foot (12 m) waterfall. Contents 1 Description 1.1 … Wikipedia