Смотреть что такое "pad-saddle" в других словарях:
Pad saddle — Pad Pad, n. [Perh. akin to pod.] 1. A soft, or small, cushion; a mass of anything soft; stuffing. [1913 Webster] 2. A kind of cushion for writing upon, or for blotting; esp., one formed of many flat sheets of writing paper, or layers of blotting… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pad-saddle — padˈ saddle noun A treeless, padded saddle • • • Main Entry: ↑pad * * * pad saddle, saw, tree etc.: see pad n.3 … Useful english dictionary
Pad — Pad, n. [Perh. akin to pod.] 1. A soft, or small, cushion; a mass of anything soft; stuffing. [1913 Webster] 2. A kind of cushion for writing upon, or for blotting; esp., one formed of many flat sheets of writing paper, or layers of blotting… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pad cloth — Pad Pad, n. [Perh. akin to pod.] 1. A soft, or small, cushion; a mass of anything soft; stuffing. [1913 Webster] 2. A kind of cushion for writing upon, or for blotting; esp., one formed of many flat sheets of writing paper, or layers of blotting… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pad tree — Pad Pad, n. [Perh. akin to pod.] 1. A soft, or small, cushion; a mass of anything soft; stuffing. [1913 Webster] 2. A kind of cushion for writing upon, or for blotting; esp., one formed of many flat sheets of writing paper, or layers of blotting… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
pad — pad1 [pad] n. [echoic, but infl. by PAD3] the dull sound made by a footstep or staff on the ground pad2 [pad] n. [? var. of POD1] 1. a soft, stuffed saddle 2. anything made of or stuffed wi … English World dictionary
Saddle blanket — A traditionally styled western saddle blanket A western saddle placed ov … Wikipedia
Saddle — A saddle is a supportive structure for a rider or other load, fastened to an animal s back by a girth. The most common type is the equestrian saddle designed for a horse, but specialized saddles have been created for camels and other creatures.… … Wikipedia
pad — I. /pæd / (say pad) noun 1. a cushion like mass of some soft material, for comfort, protection, or stuffing. 2. a guard for the leg, containing padding and stiffeners, as worn by those batting and wicketkeeping in cricket, goalkeeping in hockey,… …
pad — pad1 /pad/, n., v., padded, padding. n. 1. a cushionlike mass of soft material used for comfort, protection, or stuffing. 2. a soft, stuffed cushion used as a saddle; a padded leather saddle without a tree. 3. a number of sheets of paper glued or … Universalium
on the pad — Pad Pad, n. [Perh. akin to pod.] 1. A soft, or small, cushion; a mass of anything soft; stuffing. [1913 Webster] 2. A kind of cushion for writing upon, or for blotting; esp., one formed of many flat sheets of writing paper, or layers of blotting… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English