- packaged unit
- компактный агрегат;
компактная [портативная] установка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Unit price — is a valuation method for buyers who purchase in bulk.ExamplesBuyer seeks to purchase 10000 widgets. Seller One offers 1000 widgets packaged together for $5000. Seller Two offers 5000 widgets packaged together for $25000. Seller Three offers 500… … Wikipedia
Packaged units — Units built and assembled at a factory and installed as a self contained unit to heat or cool all or portions of a building. Packaged units are in contrast to engineer specified units built up from individual components for use in a given… … Energy terms
Packaged air conditioning units — Usually mounted on the roof or on a slab beside the building. (These are known as self contained units, or Direct Expansion (DX). They contain air conditioning equipment as well as fans, and may or may not include heating equipment.) These are… … Energy terms
packaged — package ► NOUN 1) an object or group of objects wrapped in paper or packed in a box. 2) N. Amer. a packet. 3) (also package deal) a set of proposals or terms offered or agreed as a whole. 4) informal a package holiday. 5) Computing a collection… … English terms dictionary
packaged products — Investments which are formed from a collection of other investments. For example, a unit trust is created by combining a range of shares and other assets. Aside from unit trusts it also includes life policies and investment trust savings schemes … Financial and business terms
unit pricing — noun Etymology: pricing from gerund of price (II) : the pricing of products (as packaged foods) whereby the unit price is indicated along with the total price … Useful english dictionary
packaged — pækɪdÊ’d adj. wrapped; boxed; packed for storage or transport; having attractive packaging pack·age || pækɪdÊ’ n. bundle, parcel; container for storage or transportation; wrapping or packaging for sale or merchandise; inseparable combination … English contemporary dictionary
Floating-point unit — An Intel 80287 A floating point unit (FPU, colloquially a math coprocessor) is a part of a computer system specially designed to carry out operations on floating point numbers. Typical operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication,… … Wikipedia
Floating point unit — A floating point unit (FPU) is a part of a computer system specially designed to carry out operations on floating point numbers. Typical operations are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and square root. Some systems (particularly… … Wikipedia
palletized unit load — Quantity of any item, packaged or unpackaged, which is arranged on a pallet in a specified manner and securely strapped or fastened thereto so that the whole is handled as a unit … Military dictionary
Air handler — An air handling unit; air flow is from the right to left in this case. Some AHU components shown are: 1 Supply duct 2 Fan compartment 3 Vibration isolator ( flex joint ) 4 Heating and/or cooling coil 5 Filter compartment 6 Mixed (recirculated +… … Wikipedia