Смотреть что такое "pacificate" в других словарях:
pacificate — index mollify, pacify, placate, propitiate, soothe Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
pacificate — [pə sif′i kāt΄] vt. pacificated, pacificating PACIFY pacificator n. pacificatory [pə sif′əkə tôr΄ē] adj … English World dictionary
pacificate — pacification, n. pacificator, n. pacificatory /peuh sif i keuh tawr ee, tohr ee/, adj. /peuh sif i kayt /, v.t., pacificated, pacificating. to pacify. [1640 50; < L pacificatus (ptp. of pacificare to make peace). See PACIFY, ATE1] * * * … Universalium
pacificate — /pəˈsɪfəkeɪt/ (say puh sifuhkayt) verb (t) (pacificated, pacificating) to pacify. {Latin pācificātus, past participle} –pacification /pæsəfəˈkeɪʃən/ (say pasuhfuh kayshuhn), noun –pacificator, noun –pacificatory /pæsəfəˈkeɪtəri/ (say pasuhfuh… …
pacificate — pacification, n. pacificator, n. pacificatory /peuh sif i keuh tawr ee, tohr ee/, adj. /peuh sif i kayt /, v.t., pacificated, pacificating. to pacify. [1640 50; < L pacificatus (ptp. of pacificare to make peace). See PACIFY, ATE1] … Useful english dictionary
Timeline of Portuguese history (Lusitania and Gallaecia) — This is a historical timeline of Portugal.=Roman Lusitania and Gallaecia=3rd century BC*237 BC The Carthaginian General Hamilcar Barca enters Iberia with his armies through Gadir. *228 BC Hamilcar Barca dies in battle. He is succeeded in command… … Wikipedia
mollify — I verb abate, allay, alleviate, ameliorate, appease, assuage, attemper, blunt, calm, check, compose, conciliate, cool, curb, deaden, decrease, diminish, dulcify, dull, ease, give relief, hush, improve, lenire, lessen, lull, make better, mediate,… … Law dictionary
pacify — I verb accommodate, alleviate, appease, assuage, becalm, bring to terms, calm, componere, conciliate, dulcify, ease, lenire, make peace, mediate, mellow, mollify, pacificate, placare, placate, please, propitiate, quell, quiet, reconcile, relieve … Law dictionary
placate — I verb allay, appease, assuage, bring to terms, calm, conciliate, disarm, dulcify, heal the breach, humor, hush, make peace, mollify, pacificate, pacify, patch up a quarrel, placare, please, propitiate, quiet, reconcile, restore harmony, salve,… … Law dictionary
propitiate — I verb accommodate, appeal to, appease, beguile, calm, conciliate, content, disarm, gain the favor of, humor, ingratiate, make amends, make favorably inclined, make peace, mollify, offer sacrifice, pacificate, pacify, placare, placate, please,… … Law dictionary
soothe — I verb allay, alleviate, ameliorate, appease, assuage, attemper, balm, becalm, blunt, calm, comfort, compose, deaden, dulcify, dull, ease, free from anxiety, free from pain, give relief, humor, hush, lenify, lenire, lessen, lull, mitigate,… … Law dictionary