pace-setter — paceˈ setter noun A pacemaker, except in anatomical and electronic senses • • • Main Entry: ↑pace … Useful english dictionary
pace-setter — • set the pace • pace setter • pace setting v. phr. To decide on a rate of speed of travel or rules that are followed by others. The scoutmaster set the pace so that the shorter boys would not get tired trying to keep up. Louise set the pace in… … Словарь американских идиом
pace setter — žygio spartos reguliuotojas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Voros vado paskirtas asmuo, važiuojantis priekinėje transporto priemonėje ar padalinio priekyje ir reguliuojantis atitinkamą voros judėjimo greitį ir nustatantis reikiamą greitį, kad … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
pace-setter — [pace setting] See: SET THE PACE … Dictionary of American idioms
pace-setter — [pace setting] See: SET THE PACE … Dictionary of American idioms
pace setter — An individual, selected by the column commander, who travels in the lead vehicle or element to regulate the column speed and establish the pace necessary to meet the required movement order … Military dictionary
pace setter — noun a) The runner or driver or rider in the lead. b) An individual, selected by the column commander, who travels in the lead vehicle or element to regulate the column speed and establish the pace necessary to meet the required movement… … Wiktionary
pace-setter — see pacesetter … English dictionary
pace-setting — • set the pace • pace setter • pace setting v. phr. To decide on a rate of speed of travel or rules that are followed by others. The scoutmaster set the pace so that the shorter boys would not get tired trying to keep up. Louise set the pace in… … Словарь американских идиом
pace — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a a single step in walking or running. b the distance covered in this (about 75 cm or 30 in.). c the distance between two successive stationary positions of the same foot in walking. 2 speed in walking or running. 3 Theatr. & Mus … Useful english dictionary
pace — {{11}}pace (n.) a step, late 13c., from O.Fr. pas, from L. passus a step, lit. pp. of pandere to stretch (the leg), spread out, from PIE *pat no , from root *pete to spread (Cf. Gk. petalon a leaf, O.E. fæðm embrace, bosom, fathom ). Also, a… … Etymology dictionary