p-adic algebra

p-adic algebra
мат. алгебра над полем p-адических чисел

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "p-adic algebra" в других словарях:

  • Quaternion algebra — In mathematics, a quaternion algebra over a field, F , is a particular kind of central simple algebra, A , over F , namely such an algebra that has dimension 4, and therefore becomes the 2 times;2 matrix algebra over some field extension of F ,… …   Wikipedia

  • Valuation (algebra) — In algebra (in particular in algebraic geometry or algebraic number theory), a valuation is a function on a field that provides a measure of size or multiplicity of elements of the field. They generalize to commutative algebra the notion of size… …   Wikipedia

  • Hecke algebra — is the common name of several related types of associative rings in algebra and representation theory. The most familiar of these is the Hecke algebra of a Coxeter group , also known as Iwahori Hecke algebra, which is a one parameter deformation… …   Wikipedia

  • Banach algebra — In mathematics, especially functional analysis, a Banach algebra, named after Stefan Banach, is an associative algebra A over the real or complex numbers which at the same time is also a Banach space. The algebra multiplication and the Banach… …   Wikipedia

  • List of commutative algebra topics — Commutative algebra is the branch of abstract algebra that studies commutative rings, their ideals, and modules over such rings. Both algebraic geometry and algebraic number theory build on commutative algebra. Prominent examples of commutative… …   Wikipedia

  • Absolute value (algebra) — In mathematics, an absolute value is a function which measures the size of elements in a field or integral domain. More precisely, if D is an integral domain, then an absolute value is any mapping | thinsp; sdot; thinsp;| from D to the real… …   Wikipedia

  • Commutative algebra — This page deals with the area of study. For algebras which are commutative, see algebra (disambiguation). Commutative algebra is the branch of abstract algebra that studies commutative rings, their ideals, and modules over such rings. Both… …   Wikipedia

  • p-adic order — In number theory, for a given prime number p, the p adic order or additive p adic valuation of a number n is the highest exponent ν such that pν divides n. It is commonly abbreviated νp(n). The most important application of the p adic order is in …   Wikipedia

  • Affine Hecke algebra — DefinitionLet V be a Euclidean space of a finite dimension and Sigma an affine root system on V. An affine Hecke algebra is a certain associative algebra that deforms the group algebra mathbb{C} [W] of the Weyl group W of Sigma (the affine Weyl… …   Wikipedia

  • Characteristic (algebra) — In mathematics, the characteristic of a ring R, often denoted char(R), is defined to be the smallest number of times one must use the ring s multiplicative identity element (1) in a sum to get the additive identity element (0); the ring is said… …   Wikipedia

  • Lie group — Lie groups …   Wikipedia

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