
aul сущ.
1) сова;
2) перен. сова, полуночник Syn : night-bird
3) угрюмый человекowl train owl car (зоология) сова, сыч, филин глупец;
чванливый дурак - don't be such a silly * не будь таким дураком полуночник, сова - night * (американизм) полуночник;
ночной гуляка - * car (американизм) (разговорное) ночной трамвай;
ночное такси > as stupid as an * глуп как пробка > as blind as an * слепая курица > to fly with the * вести ночной образ жизни > to carry *s to Athens воды морю прибавлять;
дрова в лес возить (диалектизм) вести ночной образ жизни (диалектизм) бродить в темноте owl олух ~ полуночник;
owl train амер. ночной поезд ~ сова ~ car амер. ночное такси ~ car амер. ночной трамвай ~ полуночник;
owl train амер. ночной поезд tawny ~ зоол. неясыть серая (или обыкновенная)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "owl" в других словарях:

  • OWL — OWL, bird belonging to the family Strigidae. Because of the strange appearance of species of the owl, some of their conspecies were called kippuf, that is, resembling a kof ( ape ). It was also said that their eyes are directed forward like those …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • OWL-S — is an ontology built on top of Web Ontology Language (OWL) by the DARPA DAML program. It replaces the former DAML S ontology. OWL S is an ontology, within the OWL based framework of the Semantic Web, for describing Semantic Web Services. It will… …   Wikipedia

  • Owl — (oul), n. [AS. [=u]le; akin to D. uil, OHG. [=u]wila, G. eule, Icel. ugla, Sw. ugla, Dan. ugle.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) Any species of raptorial birds of the family {Strigid[ae]}. They have large eyes and ears, and a conspicuous circle of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • OWL/TV — OWL TV redirects here. For the student run television station of Florida Atlantic University, see OWL TV (Florida Atlantic University). OWL/TV is a children s educational television series that aired on the CBC, and then later on CTV, from 1985… …   Wikipedia

  • owl — owl; owl·ery; owl·et; owl·ing; owl·ish; owl·ish·ly; owl·ish·ness; …   English syllables

  • OWL-DL — (sigle pour Ontology Web Language Description Logics)[1] est une version décidable du langage informatique OWL. Ce langage correspond à la logique de descriptions [2]. Notes et références …   Wikipédia en Français

  • owl — (n.) O.E. ule, from P.Gmc. *uwwalon (Cf. Du. uil, O.H.G. uwila, Ger. Eule, O.N. ugla), a dim. of root *uwwa, which is imitative of an owl s hoot (Cf. L. ulula owl; Cf. also ULULATION (Cf. ululation)). The bird was employed proverbially and… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Owl — Owl, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Owled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Owling}.] 1. To pry about; to prowl. [Prov. Eng.] [1913 Webster] 2. To carry wool or sheep out of England. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Note: This was formerly illegal, and was done chiefly by night.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • OWL — es el acrónimo del inglés Web Ontology Language, un lenguaje de marcado para publicar y compartir datos usando ontologías en Internet. OWL es una extensión del vocabulario de RDF (Resource Description Framework) y es una derivación de los… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • owl — [oul] n. [ME owle < OE ule, akin to Ger eule < IE echoic base * ul > L ulula, owl, ululare, to howl] any of a worldwide order (Strigiformes) of predatory night birds distinguished by a large, flat face, eyes surrounded by stiff feathered …   English World dictionary

  • owl|et — «OW liht», noun. 1. a young owldefn>a small owl …   Useful english dictionary

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