Смотреть что такое "overshone" в других словарях:
overshine — /oh veuhr shuyn /, v.t., overshone or overshined, overshining. 1. to outshine: One star seemed to overshine all others. 2. to surpass in splendor, excellence, etc.: Her singing overshone that of the opera company s more widely known contraltos. 3 … Universalium
Medak, Peter — b. 1937, Budapest (Hungary) Film maker Originally an associate producer on television series in Hollywood, Peter Medak’s directing career commenced with Negatives (1968) and gathered acclaim with his satire of English aristocratic life,… … Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture
overshine — /oʊvəˈʃaɪn/ (say ohvuh shuyn) verb (t) (overshone, overshining) 1. to outshine. 2. to surpass in splendour, excellence, etc. 3. Obsolete to shine over or upon. {Middle English, Old English oferscīnan} …