

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "overprints" в других словарях:

  • overprints — n. act of printing another color or additional material on a surface that has already been printed; printing of an excessive amount; postage stamp which has been overprinted with additional information v. print another color or additional… …   English contemporary dictionary

  • South Australian stamp overprints — The colony of South Australia began issuing postage stamps in 1855, and continued until the first stamps of the Australian Commonwealth were issued in 1913.Many of these stamps were intended for use on official mail by government departments, and …   Wikipedia

  • Overprint — This article is about overprints on stamps and currency. For the use of the term in printing, see overprinting. France, 1929: Commemorative overprint for the Philatelic Exposition in Le Havre. An overprint is an additional layer of text or… …   Wikipedia

  • Postage stamps and postal history of Mexico — One and two reales stamps, 1856, with Morelia overprints and Pátzcuaro cancellation Mexico s postal system has its roots in the Aztec system of messengers which the Spanish adopted after the Conquest. During the 18th century, Spain established a… …   Wikipedia

  • Sun Yat-sen stamps — Numerous Chinese stamps depict Sun Yat sen, and a representative collection can be acquired with little trouble. These may conveniently be divided as the definitives, provincial issues, overprints, and commemoratives, but there is much cross over …   Wikipedia

  • Postage stamps of Ireland — The postage stamps of Ireland are issued by the postal operator of the independent Irish state. Ireland was part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland when the world s first postage stamps were issued in 1840. These stamps, and all… …   Wikipedia

  • Philatelic fakes and forgeries — Brighton forgeries of the stamps of Jammu and Kashmir produced by Harold Treherne. In general, philatelic fakes and forgeries refers to labels that look like postage stamps but are not. Most have been produced to deceive or defraud. Learning to… …   Wikipedia

  • Private overprint — Private overprints, in philately, are overprints (pictures, text, or a combination of the two), usually rubberstamped though occasionally applied by some other method, to postage stamps (or, occasionally, postal stationery) used by some person or …   Wikipedia

  • Postal history of Palestine — The postal history of Palestine emerges out of its geographic location as a crossroads amidst the empires of the ancient Near East, the Levant and the Middle East. Postal services in the region were first established in the Bronze Age, during the …   Wikipedia

  • Почтовые марки и история почты Ирландии — «Карта Ирландии»: первая ирландская почтовая марка, 1922, 2 пенса (2d) История почты и почтовых марок Ирландии подразделяется на периоды британского владычества и независимого ирландского государства. Начиная с 1922 года официальный почтовый… …   Википедия

  • Postage stamps and postal history of China — The history of the postage stamps and postal history of China is complicated by the gradual decay of Imperial China and the years of civil war and Japanese occupation in the 1930s and 1940s. Contents 1 Imperial China 2 Revolution and republic 2.1 …   Wikipedia

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