overloaded operator

overloaded operator
C++ перегруженный оператор (оператор, для которого в данном классе дано новое определение)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "overloaded operator" в других словарях:

  • overloaded operator — operacijos ženklo daugiareikšmiškumas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Operacijos ženklo vartojimas daugiau negu viena prasme. Pavyzdžiui pliuso ženklu + žymima sudėties ir eilučių sujungimo operacija. Daugiareikšmiškumas yra leistinas,… …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • Operator overloading — Theories and practice of polymorphism Double dispatch Multiple dispatch Operator overloading Polymorphism in computer science Polymorphism in OOP Subtyping …   Wikipedia

  • Operator (programming) — Programming languages generally support a set of operators that are similar to operations in mathematics. A language may contain a fixed number of built in operators (e.g. + * = in C and C++), or it may allow the creation of programmer defined… …   Wikipedia

  • Overloaded expression — In computer science, especially the languages Ada and C++, overloaded expression means that an ambiguous operator expression can only be understood based on the context: see overloading. In human linguistics, the meaning of a word in a sentence… …   Wikipedia

  • Relational operator — In computer science, a relational operator is a programming language construct or operator that tests or defines some kind of relation between two entities. These include numerical equality (e.g., 5 = 5) and inequalities (e.g.,… …   Wikipedia

  • Assignment operator (C++) — In the C++ programming language, the assignment operator, = , is the operator used for assignment. Like most other operators in C++, it can be overloaded. The copy assignment operator, often just called the assignment operator , is a special case …   Wikipedia

  • Assignment operator in C++ — ––The assignment operator in C++ programming language is = . Like other operators in C++, it can be overloaded.The copy assignment operator is a special case of assignment operator used to assign objects of the same class to each other. It is one …   Wikipedia

  • C++ — The C++ Programming Language, written by its architect, is the seminal book on the language. Paradigm(s) Multi paradigm:[1] procedural …   Wikipedia

  • decltype — In the C++ programming language, decltype is an operator for querying the type of an expression. It was introduced in the current version of the C++ standard, C++11. Its primary intended use is in generic programming, where it is often difficult …   Wikipedia

  • Perl Data Language — PDL (short for Perl Data Language) is a set of array programming extensions to the Perl programming language.PDL is an extension to Perl v5, intended for scientific and other data intensive programming tasks. Perl s data structures are intended… …   Wikipedia

  • operacijos ženklo daugiareikšmiškumas — statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis ↑Operacijos ženklo vartojimas daugiau negu viena prasme. Pavyzdžiui pliuso ženklu + žymima sudėties ir eilučių sujungimo operacija. Daugiareikšmiškumas yra leistinas, jeigu iš konteksto galima… …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

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