overheads — UK US /ˈəʊvəhedz/ noun [plural] UK (US overhead [C or U]) ► ACCOUNTING, FINANCE the regular and necessary costs, such as rent and heating, that are involved in operating a business: cut/reduce/slash overheads »The combined company aims to reduce… … Financial and business terms
overheads — [[t]o͟ʊvə(r)hedz[/t]] N PLURAL The overheads of a business are its regular and essential expenses, such as salaries, rent, electricity, and telephone bills. We are having to cut our costs to reduce overheads and remain competitive … English dictionary
Overheads — Over|heads [...hɛdz] die (Plur.) <aus gleichbed. engl. overheads, eigtl. »über den Köpfen«> Gemeinkosten (Wirtsch.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
overheads — / əυvəhedz/ plural noun the costs of the day to day running of a business ● The sales revenue covers the manufacturing costs but not the overheads. (NOTE: American English is usually overhead.) ▪▪▪ ‘…it ties up less capital in inventory and with… … Marketing dictionary in english
overheads — / əυvəhedz/ plural noun the indirect costs of the day to day running of a business, i.e. not money spent of producing goods, but money spent on such things as renting or maintaining buildings and machinery ● The sales revenue covers the… … Dictionary of banking and finance
Overheads — Накладные расходы … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
overheads — plural noun Syn: running costs, operating costs, fixed costs, expenses … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
overheads */ — UK [ˈəʊvə(r)ˌhedz] / US [ˈoʊvərˌhedz] noun [plural] business money that you pay regularly as the costs of operating a business or organization … English dictionary
overheads — [ˈəʊvəˌhedz] noun [plural] money that you pay regularly as the costs of operating a business or organization … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
overheads — n running costs, outgoings, operating costs, regular costs, fixed costs, expenses, expenditure, burden, oncost(s) FORMAL disbursement ≠ income, profit … Useful english dictionary
Накладные/косвенные расходы — OVERHEADS OR INDIRECT COSTS (GB) Раходы, которые непосредственно не связаны с производством и сбытом товаров. Накладные расходы включают в себя затраты на энергоснабжение, амортизацию, содержание, эксплуатацию и текущий ремонт зданий, сооружений… … Словарь-справочник по экономике