overhead costs
Смотреть что такое "overhead costs" в других словарях:
overhead costs of a project — netiesioginės projekto išlaidos statusas Aprobuotas sritis Europos Sąjungos finansų politika apibrėžtis Išlaidos, kurios nėra skiriamos tiesiogiai projekto veikloms įgyvendinti, tačiau yra būtinos ir tiesiogiai susijusios su tiesioginėmis… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
overhead costs of an operation — netiesioginės projekto išlaidos statusas Aprobuotas sritis Europos Sąjungos finansų politika apibrėžtis Išlaidos, kurios nėra skiriamos tiesiogiai projekto veikloms įgyvendinti, tačiau yra būtinos ir tiesiogiai susijusios su tiesioginėmis… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
overhead costs — /ˌəυvəhed kɒsts/, overhead expenses /ˌəυvəhed ɪk spensɪz/ plural noun money spent on the day to day cost of a business … Marketing dictionary in english
overhead costs — /ˌəυvəhed kɒsts/, overhead expenses /ˌəυvəhed ɪk spensɪz/ plural noun same as overheads … Dictionary of banking and finance
non-production overhead costs — The indirect costs of an organization that are not classified as manufacturing overhead. They include administration overheads, selling overhead, distribution overhead, and (in some cases) research and development costs … Accounting dictionary
non-production overhead costs — The indirect costs of an organization that are not classified as manufacturing overhead They include administration overheads, selling overhead, distribution overhead, and (in some cases) research and development costs … Big dictionary of business and management
overhead — 1530s, above one s head (adv.), from OVER (Cf. over) + HEAD (Cf. head). The adjective is attested from 1874. As a noun, short for overhead costs, etc., it is attested from 1914 … Etymology dictionary
Overhead Rate — In managerial accounting, a cost added on to the direct costs of production in order to more accurately assess the profitability of each product. Overhead costs are all costs that are not directly related to the production of the good to be sold … Investment dictionary
overhead — expenses which are incurred in producing a commodity or rendering a service, but which cannot conveniently be attributed to individual units of production or service. Examples are heating, lighting etc. Glossary of Business Terms The expenses of… … Financial and business terms
overhead — I. adverb Date: 15th century above one s head ; aloft II. adjective Date: 1874 1. a. operating, lying, or coming from above b. having the driving part above the part driven < valves operated by an overhead camshaft > … New Collegiate Dictionary
overhead — 1. adjective a) located above, especially over the head Place your luggage in the overhead bins. b) of, or relating to the operating expenses of a business They tried to reduce overhead costs … Wiktionary