Смотреть что такое "overdamped" в других словарях:
overdamped response — aperiodinis atsakas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. damping transient; dead beat response; overdamped response vok. endliche Ausregelzeit, f; monotoner Übergangsprozeß, m rus. апериодическая реакция, f; апериодический отклик, m… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
overdamped response — aperiodinis pereinamasis procesas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. damping transient; dead beat response; overdamped response vok. endliche Ausregelzeit, f; monotoner Übergangsprozeß, m rus. апериодическая реакция, f;… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
overdamped — adjective Excessively damped … Wiktionary
overdamped — … Useful english dictionary
RLC circuit — A series RLC circuit: a resistor, inductor, and a capacitor An RLC circuit (or LCR circuit) is an electrical circuit consisting of a resistor, an inductor, and a capacitor, connected in series or in parallel. The RLC part of the name is due to… … Wikipedia
Damping ratio — Classical mechanics Newton s Second Law History of classical mechanics … Wikipedia
Harmonic oscillator — This article is about the harmonic oscillator in classical mechanics. For its uses in quantum mechanics, see quantum harmonic oscillator. Classical mechanics … Wikipedia
Linear differential equation — In mathematics, a linear differential equation is a differential equation of the form: Ly = f ,where the differential operator L is a linear operator, y is the unknown function, and the right hand side fnof; is a given function (called the source … Wikipedia
Transient response — Damping oscillation is a typical transient response, where the output value oscillates until finally reaching a steady state value. The picture shows an example of an underdamped response. In electrical engineering and mechanical engineering, a… … Wikipedia
PID controller — A block diagram of a PID controller A proportional–integral–derivative controller (PID controller) is a generic control loop feedback mechanism (controller) widely used in industrial control systems – a PID is the most commonly used feedback… … Wikipedia
Q factor — For other uses of the terms Q and Q factor see Q value. In physics and engineering the quality factor or Q factor is a dimensionless parameter that compares the time constant for decay of an oscillating physical system s amplitude to its… … Wikipedia