overall resistance

overall resistance
полное сопротивление, импеданс

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "overall resistance" в других словарях:

  • Resistance: Fall of Man — European box art Developer(s) Insomniac Games Publisher(s) Sony Computer Entertainment …   Wikipedia

  • Resistance training — has two different, sometimes confused meanings a more broad meaning that refers to any training that uses a resistance to the force of muscular contraction (better termed strength training), and elastic or hydraulic resistance, which refers to a… …   Wikipedia

  • Resistance welding — refers to a group of welding processes that produce coalescence of faying surfaces where heat to form the weld is generated by the resistance of the welding current through the workpieces. Some factors influencing heat or welding temperatures are …   Wikipedia

  • Resistance: Fall of Man — Разработчик Insomniac Games …   Википедия

  • Overall — This article is about bib and brace overalls, shortalls, boilersuits. For the loose above the knee coat like protective garment called an overall in parts of the UK and Ireland, see Smock frock or Lab coat. For other uses, see Overall… …   Wikipedia

  • Disease resistance in fruit and vegetables — There are a number of lines of defence against pests (that is, those animals that cause damage to the plants we grow) and diseases in the organic garden, principal among these being the practice of good husbandry, creating healthy soil and… …   Wikipedia

  • Rolling resistance — Figure 1  Hard wheel rolling on and deforming a soft surface, resulting in the reaction force from the surface having a component that opposes the motion. Rolling resistance, sometimes called rolling friction or rolling drag, is the… …   Wikipedia

  • Danish resistance movement — The Danish resistance movement (Danish: Modstandsbevægelsen) was an underground insurgency movement to resist the German occupation of Denmark during World War II. Due to the unusually lenient terms given to Danish people by the Nazi occupation… …   Wikipedia

  • Low-rolling resistance tires — are tires which are designed to improve fuel efficiency of a car by minimizing the energy wasted as heat as the tire rolls down the road. Approximately 5–15% of the fuel consumed by a typical car may be to overcome to rolling resistance. [… …   Wikipedia

  • German Resistance — The German Resistance refers to those individuals and groups in Nazi Germany who opposed the regime of Adolf Hitler between 1933 and 1945. Some of these engaged in active plans to remove Hitler from power and overthrow his regime. Their plans… …   Wikipedia

  • German resistance — Not to be confused with Werwolf. Memorial plaque to resistance members and wreath at the Bendlerblock, Berlin The German resistance (Widerstand) was the opposition by individuals and groups in Germany to Adolf Hitler or the National Socialist… …   Wikipedia

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