overall average
Смотреть что такое "overall average" в других словарях:
Average Joe — The term Average Joe or Average Jane is used in the United States to refer to the average American. Today statistics by the United States Department of Commerce provide information regarding the societal attributes of those who may be referred to … Wikipedia
Overall Position — The Overall Position (OP) is a tertiary entrance rank used in the Australian state of Queensland for selection into universities. Like similar systems used throughout the rest of Australia, the OP shows how well a student has performed in their… … Wikipedia
average — I UK [ˈæv(ə)rɪdʒ] / US noun Word forms average : singular average plural averages *** 1) [countable/uncountable] the amount, level, standard etc that is typical of a group of people or things Incomes here are nowhere near the national average.… … English dictionary
average — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ annual, five year, monthly, etc. ▪ national ▪ The national average is just over two children per family. ▪ … Collocations dictionary
Average Annual Growth Rate - AAGR — The average increase in the value of an individual investment or portfolio over the period of a year. It is calculated by taking the arithmetic mean of the growth rate over two annual periods. The average annual growth rate can be calculated for… … Investment dictionary
overall — 1. adjective the overall cost Syn: all inclusive, general, comprehensive, universal, all embracing, gross, net, final, inclusive, total; wholesale, complete, across the board, global, worldwide 2. adverb overall, things have improved … Thesaurus of popular words
overall — 1. adjective the overall cost Syn: total, all inclusive, gross, final, inclusive, complete, entire 2. adverb overall, things are better Syn: generally (speaking), in general, altogether, all in all, on balance … Synonyms and antonyms dictionary
overall mortality rate — an average mortality rate calculated over several length or age classes. May be an average of rates of several classes weighted by the time they have acted or an average of rates of several classes weighted by the number of individuals they have… … Dictionary of ichthyology
average up — A strategy used by investors to lower the overall cost of shares by buying as many shares with a given amount of capital in an increasing market. Buying $1000 worth of shares at $30, $35, $40, and $45, for instance, will make the average cost of… … Financial and business terms
overall — adj. Overall is used with these nouns: ↑aim, ↑appearance, ↑assessment, ↑average, ↑balance, ↑budget, ↑change, ↑charge, ↑coherence, ↑command, ↑composition, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
overall steering rate — the rate of change of steering wheel angle at a given steering wheel trim position, with respect to change in average steer angle of a pair of steered wheels, assuming an infinitely stiff steering system with no roll of the vehicle. Note: for… … Mechanics glossary