
ˈəuvəˈsɪmplɪfaɪ гл. упрощать;
понимать слишком упрощенно;
объяснять упрощенно over-simplify the problemслишком упрощать проблему v упрощать, понимать упрощённо over-simplify упрощать;
понимать слишком упрощенно

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "over-simplify" в других словарях:

  • simplify — verb a) To make simpler, either by reducing in complexity, reducing to component parts, or making easier to understand. Thus, throughout the nineteenth century, linguists generally held that more grammatically complex languages were older and… …   Wiktionary

  • simplify — Synonyms and related words: abridge, account for, aid, allegorize, boil down, chasten, clarify, clean up, clear the way, clear up, compress, crack, curtail, cut, cut back, cut down, damp, dampen, decipher, decrease, deduct, deflate, demonstrate,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Composition over inheritance — in object oriented programming is a technique by which classes may achieve polymorphic behavior and code reuse by containing other classes which implement the desired functionality instead of through inheritance.[1] This technique is also… …   Wikipedia

  • put over — Synonyms and related words: accomplish, achieve, bring about, bring off, bring through, bring to effect, bring to pass, carry into execution, carry off, carry out, carry through, clarify, clear, clear the hurdle, come along, come on, come through …   Moby Thesaurus

  • get over — Synonyms and related words: advance, ascend, back, back up, be glimpsed, bounce back, broadcast, budge, change, change place, circle, clarify, climb, come around, come back, come round, come through, come to, come up smiling, communicate, convey …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Cryptanalysis of the Enigma — enabled the western Allies in World War II to read substantial amounts of secret Morse coded radio communications of the Axis powers that had been enciphered using Enigma machines. This yielded military intelligence which, along with that from… …   Wikipedia

  • oversimplify — oversimplification, n. /oh veuhr sim pleuh fuy /, v.t., v.i., oversimplified, oversimplifying. to simplify to the point of error, distortion, or misrepresentation. [1920 25; OVER + SIMPLIFY] * * * …   Universalium

  • Theory of religious economy — The theory of religious economy is the application of rational choice theory as a theory of religion. The Theory of Religious Economy argues that the economic model of supply and demand has a significant role in the development and success of… …   Wikipedia

  • Defensive tackle — (DT) is a position on the defensive line in American and Canadian football. The defensive tackle(s) lines up toward the center of the field, and is flanked by the defensive ends. As a unit, they are referred to as defensive line.Defensive tackles …   Wikipedia

  • Problem of induction — The problem of induction is the philosophical question of whether inductive reasoning is valid. That is, what is the justification for either:# generalizing about the properties of a class of objects based on some number of observations of… …   Wikipedia

  • Spanning tree protocol — The Spanning Tree Protocol is an OSI layer 2 protocol that ensures a loop free topology for any bridged LAN. It is based on an algorithm invented by Radia Perlman while working for Digital Equipment Corporationcite… …   Wikipedia

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