- outwore
- autˈwɔ: past от outwear outwore past от outwear
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
outwore — out·wore (out wôrʹ, wōrʹ) v. Past tense of outwear. * * * … Universalium
outwore — out wear || ‚aÊŠt wÉœr / wɜə v. exist longer than; endure longer than; wear out, make worn from use … English contemporary dictionary
outwore — past of outwear … English new terms dictionary
outwore — past of OUTWEAR. * * * past of outwear … Useful english dictionary
outwear — transitive verb (outwore; outworn; wearing) Date: circa 1541 1. wear out, exhaust 2. to last longer than < a fabric that outwears others > … New Collegiate Dictionary
outwear — /owt wair /, v.t., outwore, outworn, outwearing. 1. to wear or last longer than; outlast: a well made product that outwears its competition. 2. to exhaust in strength or endurance: The daily toil had soon outworn him. 3. to outlive or outgrow:… … Universalium
outwear — verb (past outwore; past participle outworn) last longer than … English new terms dictionary
outwear — /aʊtˈwɛə/ (say owt wair) verb (t) (outwore, outworn, outwearing) 1. to wear or last longer than; outlast. 2. to outlive or outgrow. 3. to wear out; consume by wearing. 4. to exhaust in strength or endurance. 5. to pass time …
outwear — [out΄wer′] vt. outwore, outworn, outwearing 1. to wear out; use up 2. to be more lasting than; outlast 3. to outgrow or outlive 4. to exhaust, as in strength … English World dictionary