Смотреть что такое "outwardly" в других словарях:
outwardly — [adv] to all appearances apparently, as far as one can see, evidently, externally, for all intents and purposes*, in appearance, officially, on the face of it, on the surface, ostensibly, professedly, seemingly, superficially, to the eye;… … New thesaurus
outwardly — [out′wərd lē] adv. 1. toward or on the outside 2. in regard to external appearance or action … English World dictionary
outwardly — /owt weuhrd lee/, adv. 1. as regards appearance or outward manifestation: outwardly charming; outwardly considerate. 2. on the outside or outer surface; externally: Outwardly, the fruit was rough to the touch. 3. toward the outside: The pier… … Universalium
outwardly — [[t]a͟ʊtwə(r)dli[/t]] ADV: ADV adj/adv, ADV with cl You use outwardly to indicate the feelings or qualities that a person or situation may appear to have, rather than the ones that they actually have. They may feel tired and though outwardly calm … English dictionary
outwardly — out|ward|ly [ˈautwədli US wərd ] adv according to the way people or things seem ≠ ↑inwardly ▪ Calvin remained outwardly calm, but inside he was very angry. ▪ Outwardly, at least, he was an optimist … Dictionary of contemporary English
outwardly — out|ward|ly [ autwərdli ] adverb in appearance or the way something seems but not always the way it really is: He remained outwardly calm. Outwardly, Sue seems happy enough. ─ opposite INWARDLY … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
outwardly — adverb according to the way things seem: Calvin remained outwardly calm but inside he was seething. (sentence adverb): Outwardly, nothing seemed to have changed … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
outwardly — UK [ˈaʊtwə(r)dlɪ] / US [ˈaʊtwərdlɪ] adverb in appearance, or the way that something seems, but not always the way that it really is He remained outwardly calm. Outwardly, Sue seems happy enough … English dictionary
outwardly — out•ward•ly [[t]ˈaʊt wərd li[/t]] adv. 1) as regards appearance or outward manifestation: outwardly charming[/ex] 2) on the outside: Outwardly, the fruit was rough to the touch[/ex] 3) toward the outside • Etymology: 1350–1400 … From formal English to slang
outwardly — adverb 1. with respect to the outside (Freq. 1) outwardly, the figure is smooth • Syn: ↑externally 2. in outward appearance outwardly, she appeared composed • Ant: ↑inwardly … Useful english dictionary
outwardly — adverb Date: 14th century 1. a. on the outside ; externally b. toward the outside 2. in outward state, behavior, or appearance < was outwardly friendly > … New Collegiate Dictionary