outward show

outward show

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "outward show" в других словарях:

  • outward show — index appearance (look), presence (poise), pretense (ostentation) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • show — vt showed, shown, or, showed, show·ing: to demonstrate or establish by argument, reasoning, or evidence must show a compelling need for the court action show cause: to establish by reasoning and evidence a valid reason for something if a debtor… …   Law dictionary

  • show — Synonyms and related words: Grand Guignol, Passion play, Prospero, Tom show, accompany, accord, account for, acting, advertise, affect, affectation, affectedness, afford, afford proof of, air, airiness, airs, airs and graces, alibi, allege,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • outward — outwardness, n. /owt weuhrd/, adj. 1. proceeding or directed toward the outside or exterior, or away from a central point: the outward flow of gold; the outward part of a voyage. 2. pertaining to or being what is seen or apparent, as… …   Universalium

  • Outward Bound USA — (OBUSA) is the collection of outdoor education organizations in the USA which are officially registered as schools by Outward Bound International. In the U.S., more than 60,000 people participate in its programs every year[1]. OBUSA operates… …   Wikipedia

  • Outward Bound Australia — Type Not For Profit, Outdoor Education Founded Australia (1956) Headquarters …   Wikipedia

  • show — ► VERB (past part. shown or showed) 1) be, allow, or make visible. 2) exhibit or produce for inspection or viewing. 3) represent or depict in art. 4) display or allow to be perceived (a quality, emotion, or characteristic). 5) demonstrate or… …   English terms dictionary

  • show — vb 1 Show, manifest, evidence, evince, demonstrate are comparable when they mean to reveal something outwardly by or as if by a sign or to serve to make something outwardly apparent or visible. Show implies enabling others to see, but in this… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • show — [shō] vt. showed, shown or showed, showing [ME schewen < OE sceawian, akin to Ger schauen, to look at < IE base * (s)keu , to notice, heed > L cavere, to beware, OE hieran, to HEAR] 1. to bring or put in sight or view; cause or allow to… …   English World dictionary

  • Outward Bound — This article is about the organization. For Outward Bound (disambiguation), see Outward Bound (disambiguation). Outward Bound (OB) is an international, non profit, independent, outdoor education organization with approximately 40 schools around… …   Wikipedia

  • show — verb (past participle shown or showed) 1》 be, allow, or cause to be visible.     ↘exhibit or produce for inspection.     ↘present (a film or television programme) on a screen for viewing.     ↘represent or depict in art.     ↘(show oneself or one …   English new terms dictionary

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