Смотреть что такое "outseam" в других словарях:
outseam — noun The seam of a trouser up the outside of the leg … Wiktionary
outseam — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: out (III) + seam : prickseam … Useful english dictionary
Tuxedo — This article is about the formal suit specifically. For a discussion of its accessories and etiquette, see Black Tie. For other uses, see Tuxedo (disambiguation). Four men in tuxedos (note that the two in the center wear shawl collars while those … Wikipedia
Dji Dieng — (b. July 13th) in Thiès, Senegal is a French supermodel. Early life Dji Dieng was born in Thies (Senegal) and was raised in Senegal, France and United States of America. Dji got into the modeling industry when she was discovered by a talent agent … Wikipedia