- outrun the constable
- жить не по средствам, влезть в долги
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
outrun the constable — Constable Con sta*ble (k[o^]n st[.a]*b l or k[u^]n st[.a]*b l), n. [OE. conestable, constable, a constable (in sense 1), OF. conestable, F. conn[ e]table, LL. conestabulus, constabularius, comes stabuli, orig., count of the stable, master of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
outrun the constable — phrasal : to go into debt * * * outrun the constable 1. To go too fast 2. To get into debt • • • Main Entry: ↑constable … Useful english dictionary
overrun the constable — Constable Con sta*ble (k[o^]n st[.a]*b l or k[u^]n st[.a]*b l), n. [OE. conestable, constable, a constable (in sense 1), OF. conestable, F. conn[ e]table, LL. conestabulus, constabularius, comes stabuli, orig., count of the stable, master of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Constable — Con sta*ble (k[o^]n st[.a]*b l or k[u^]n st[.a]*b l), n. [OE. conestable, constable, a constable (in sense 1), OF. conestable, F. conn[ e]table, LL. conestabulus, constabularius, comes stabuli, orig., count of the stable, master of the horse,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
High constable — Constable Con sta*ble (k[o^]n st[.a]*b l or k[u^]n st[.a]*b l), n. [OE. conestable, constable, a constable (in sense 1), OF. conestable, F. conn[ e]table, LL. conestabulus, constabularius, comes stabuli, orig., count of the stable, master of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Petty constable — Constable Con sta*ble (k[o^]n st[.a]*b l or k[u^]n st[.a]*b l), n. [OE. conestable, constable, a constable (in sense 1), OF. conestable, F. conn[ e]table, LL. conestabulus, constabularius, comes stabuli, orig., count of the stable, master of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Special constable — Constable Con sta*ble (k[o^]n st[.a]*b l or k[u^]n st[.a]*b l), n. [OE. conestable, constable, a constable (in sense 1), OF. conestable, F. conn[ e]table, LL. conestabulus, constabularius, comes stabuli, orig., count of the stable, master of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
To — Constable Con sta*ble (k[o^]n st[.a]*b l or k[u^]n st[.a]*b l), n. [OE. conestable, constable, a constable (in sense 1), OF. conestable, F. conn[ e]table, LL. conestabulus, constabularius, comes stabuli, orig., count of the stable, master of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Selwyn Jepson — (1899 1989) was a British author, of the Far House, Farther Common, Liss, Hants.The son of mystery/detective author Edgar Alfred Jepson (1863 1938), he was schooled at St. Paul s School (London) and the Sorbonne. He served in the Tank Corps… … Wikipedia
debt — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) State of owing money Nouns 1. debt, indebtedness, obligation, liability, debit, score; charge, charge account; arrears, deferred payment, accounts receivable; deficit, default; insolvency, nonpayment,… … English dictionary for students
Prodigality — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Prodigality >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 prodigality prodigality prodigence| Sgm: N 1 unthriftiness unthriftiness waste Sgm: N 1 profusion profusion profuseness Sgm: N 1 extravagance extravagance Sgm: N … English dictionary for students