outrigger — [ autrigɶr ] n. m. • 1854; mot angl. , de out « en dehors » et to rig « armer » ♦ Sport Embarcation légère à rames, destinée aux courses. Dans les outriggers, les avirons prennent appui sur des montures métalliques débordantes. ⇒OUTRIGGER, subst … Encyclopédie Universelle
outrigger — out rig ger, n. 1. Any spar or projecting timber run out for temporary use, as from a ship s mast, to hold a rope or a sail extended, or from a building, to support hoisting teckle. [1913 Webster] 2. (Naut.) (a) A projecting support for a rowlock … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
outrigger — ► NOUN 1) a spar or framework projecting from or over a boat s side. 2) a stabilizing float fixed parallel to a canoe or small ship. 3) a boat fitted with an outrigger … English terms dictionary
Outrigger — est un terme de marine venant de l anglais out (extérieur) et rig (gréement). Le terme français équivalent est : bout dehors C est une pièce fixe ou amovible du gréement d une embarcation qui dépasse de la coque dont l appellation générique… … Wikipédia en Français
Outrigger — (engl., spr. aut ), Auflagegestell außerhalb des Dollbords für Bootsriemen bei Skiffs und Outriggerbooten; vgl. Rudersport … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Outrigger — (spr. aut ), Ausleger (s.d.); Ruderboot, bei dem die Rudergabeln auf Gestellen angebracht sind, die weit abstehend von der Bootswand an dem Dollbord befestigt sind … Kleines Konversations-Lexikon
outrigger — (n.) device used in Pacific and Indian oceans to stabilize canoes, 1748, altered (by influence of rig) from outligger (late 15c.) a spar projecting from a vessel, probably from the same root as Du. uitlegger, lit. out lyer … Etymology dictionary
outrigger — [out′rig΄ər] n. 1. any temporary support extending out from a main structure 2. a) any of a variety of frameworks extended beyond the rail of a ship for various purposes b) a brace holding an oarlock out from the side of a boat, to give the rower … English World dictionary
Outrigger — For hotels and resorts company, see Outrigger Hotels Resorts. Outrigger on a contemporary Hawaiian sailing canoe An outrigger is a part of a boat s rigging which is rigid and extends beyond the side or gunwale of a boat. In an outrigger canoe and … Wikipedia
outrigger — UK [ˈaʊtˌrɪɡə(r)] / US [ˈaʊtˌrɪɡər] noun [countable] Word forms outrigger : singular outrigger plural outriggers something that sticks out from the side of a boat and helps it to float … English dictionary
outrigger — noun Date: 1742 1. a. a projection with a float or a shaped log at the end attached to a boat to prevent capsizing b. a spar or projecting beam run out from a ship s side to help secure the masts or from a mast to extend a rope or sail 2. a boat… … New Collegiate Dictionary