output register
Смотреть что такое "output register" в других словарях:
output register — išėjimo registras statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. output register vok. Ausgaberegister, n; Ausgangsregister, n rus. выходной регистр, m pranc. registre de sortie, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Register renaming — In computer engineering, register renaming refers to a technique usedto avoid unnecessary serialization of program operations imposed by the reuseof registers by those operations.Problem definitionPrograms are composed of instructions which… … Wikipedia
Register transfer level — In integrated circuit design, Register Transfer Level (RTL) description is a way of describing the operation of a synchronous digital circuit. In RTL design, a circuit s behavior is defined in terms of the flow of signals (or transfer of data)… … Wikipedia
Register Stack Engine — Die Register Stack Engine (RSE) ist ein programmiertechnischer Mechanismus zur effizienten Handhabung des Stapelspeichers (Stack) bei der IA 64, der Intel Architektur für 64 Bit Prozessoren. Die Parameter einer Funktion werden in Registern… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Register machine — In mathematical logic and theoretical computer science a register machine is a generic class of abstract machines used in a manner similar to a Turing machine. All the models are Turing equivalent. Contents 1 Overview 2 Formal definition 3 … Wikipedia
Register window — In computer engineering, the use of register windows is a technique to improve the performance of a particularly common operation, the procedure call. By devoting hardware to this problem, almost all computer programs will run… … Wikipedia
Link register — A link register, in many CPU architectures such as the PowerPC, ARM, and the PA RISC, is a special purpose register which holds the address to return to when a function call completes. Other architectures (such as SPARC) have a register with the… … Wikipedia
Linear feedback shift register — [ xor gate provides feedback to the register that shifts bits from left to right. The maximal sequence consists of every possible state except the 0000 state.] A linear feedback shift register (LFSR) is a shift register whose input bit is a… … Wikipedia
Shift register — In digital circuits a shift register is a group of flip flops set up in a linear fashion which have their inputs and outputs connected together in such a way that the data is shifted down the line when the circuit is activated. Shift registers… … Wikipedia
Input/output — In computing, input/output, or I/O, refers to the communication between an information processing system (such as a computer), and the outside world – possibly a human, or another information processing system. Inputs are the signals or data… … Wikipedia
Hardware register — In digital electronics, especially computing, a hardware register stores bits of information, in a way that all the bits can be written to or read out simultaneously.The hardware registers inside a central processing unit (CPU) are called… … Wikipedia