output operation
Смотреть что такое "output operation" в других словарях:
input/output operation — įvestis išvestis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. input/output operation vok. Eingabe Ausgabe Operation, f rus. операция ввода вывода, n pranc. opération d entrée/sortie, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
opération d'entrée/sortie — įvestis išvestis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. input/output operation vok. Eingabe Ausgabe Operation, f rus. операция ввода вывода, n pranc. opération d entrée/sortie, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Operation Tidal Wave — Part of Oil Campaign of World War II A B 24 Liberator called Sandman during a bomb run over th … Wikipedia
Output TransformerLess — (audio amplifier) = In the larger scope of vacuum tube audio amplifiers Output TransformerLess (OTL) describes a specific subset of audio power amplifier topologies, all of which have a single common attribute: unlike conventional vacuum tube… … Wikipedia
Output transformerless — (OTL) is a term which describes a subset of vacuum tube audio power amplifier topologies, all of which omit an output transformer for the purpose of greater linearity and fidelity. Conventional vacuum tube amplifier designs rely upon an output… … Wikipedia
Operation Barga — was a land reform movement throughout rural West Bengal for recording the names of sharecroppers (bargadars) while avoiding the time consuming method of recording through the settlement machinery. It bestowed on the bargadars, the legal… … Wikipedia
Operation Chastise — Part of the Second World War The Möhne dam on the day following the attacks … Wikipedia
Output — is the term denoting either an exit or changes which exit a system and which activate/modify a process. It is an abstract concept, used in the modeling, system(s) design and system(s) exploitation. Contents 1 Types of output 1.1 In control theory … Wikipedia
Operation Barbarossa — Part of the Eastern Front of World War II … Wikipedia
Operation Grapes of Wrath — Part of the 1982–2000 South Lebanon conflict … Wikipedia
Operation Fishbowl — was a series of high altitude nuclear tests in 1962 that were carried out by the United States as a part of the larger Operation Dominic nuclear test program. Array of rockets with instruments for making scientific measurements of high altitude… … Wikipedia