output feedback

output feedback
обратная связь по выходу

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "output feedback" в других словарях:

  • output feedback — išėjimo grįžtamasis ryšys statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. output feedback vok. Ausgangsrückführung, f rus. обратная связь по выходу, f pranc. réaction de sortie, f …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Output Feedback Mode — (OFB) ist eine Betriebsart, in der Blockchiffren betrieben werden können. Dabei wird ein Blockalgorithmus wie beispielsweise Data Encryption Standard oder Advanced Encryption Standard genutzt, um daraus einen Stromchiffre zu bilden. In diesem… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • linear output feedback — tiesinis grįžtamasis išėjimo ryšys statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. linear output feedback vok. lineare Ausgangsrückführung, f rus. линейная обратная связь по выходу, f pranc. rétroaction linéaire par la grandeur de sortie, f …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Feedback — For other uses, see Feedback (disambiguation). Feedback describes the situation when output from (or information about the result of) an event or phenomenon in the past will influence an occurrence or occurrences of the same (i.e. same defined)… …   Wikipedia

  • Feedback linearization — is a common approach used in controlling nonlinear systems. The approach involves coming up with a transformation of the nonlinear system into an equivalent linear system through a change of variables and a suitable control input. Feedback… …   Wikipedia

  • Output — is the term denoting either an exit or changes which exit a system and which activate/modify a process. It is an abstract concept, used in the modeling, system(s) design and system(s) exploitation. Contents 1 Types of output 1.1 In control theory …   Wikipedia

  • feedback — n. 1. the process in which part of the output of a system is returned to its input. [WordNet 1.5] 2. response to an inquiry or experiment. [WordNet 1.5] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • feedback — ► NOUN 1) information given in response to a product, performance etc., used as a basis for improvement. 2) the modification or control of a process or system by its results or effects. 3) the return of a fraction of the output of an amplifier,… …   English terms dictionary

  • feedback — [fēd′bak΄] n. 1. Elec. the transfer of part of the output of an active circuit or device back to the input, either as an unwanted effect or in an intentional use, as to reduce distortion 2. a) a process in which the factors that produce a result… …   English World dictionary

  • Feedback — Many biologic processes are controlled by feedback, just as the temperature in a home from a furnace is regulated by a thermostat. * * * 1. In a given system, the return, as input, of some of the output, as a regulatory mechanism; e.g.,… …   Medical dictionary

  • feedback — /feed bak /, n. 1. Electronics. a. the process of returning part of the output of a circuit, system, or device to the input, either to oppose the input (negative feedback) or to aid the input (positive feedback). b. See acoustic feedback. 2. the… …   Universalium

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