output computation

output computation
мат. результат вычисления

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "output computation" в других словарях:

  • Computation tree — A computation tree is a representation for the computation steps of a non deterministic Turing machine on a specified input. A computation tree is a rooted tree of nodes and edges. Each node in the tree represents a single computational state,… …   Wikipedia

  • computation — Synonyms and related words: accounting, adding, adding machine, analysis, appraisal, appraisement, approximation, arithmetic, assessment, assize, assizement, automatic electronic navigation, braking, calculation, calculator, calculus, casting,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • computation bound —    A condition in which the speed of operation of the processor actually limits the speed of program execution. The processor is limited by the number of arithmetic operations it can perform.    See also input/output bound …   Dictionary of networking

  • Cardiac output — (Q or or CO ) is the volume of blood being pumped by the heart, in particular by a left or right ventricle in the time interval of one minute. CO may be measured in many ways, for example dm3/min (1 dm3 equals 1000 cm3 or 1 litre). Q is… …   Wikipedia

  • Models of neural computation — are attempts to elucidate, in an abstract and mathematical fashion, the core principles that underlie information processing in biological nervous systems, or functional components thereof. This article aims to provide an overview of the most… …   Wikipedia

  • Interactive computation — involves communication with the external world during the computation. This is in contrast to the traditional understanding of computation which assumes a simple interface between a computing agent and its environment, consisting in asking a… …   Wikipedia

  • Chronology of computation of π — The table below is a brief chronology of computed numerical values of, or bounds on, the mathematical constant pi (π). See the history of numerical approximations of pi for explanations, comments and details concerning some of the calculations… …   Wikipedia

  • CARDboard Illustrative Aid to Computation — Cardiac (CARDboard Illustrative Aid to Computation) was a learning aid developed by David Hagelbarger and Saul Fingerman for Bell Telephone Laboratories in 1968 to teach high school students how computers work. The kit consisted of an instruction …   Wikipedia

  • input/output bound —    Abbreviated I/O bound. A condition in which the speed of operation of the input/output port limits the speed of program execution. Getting the data into and out of the computer is more time consuming than actually processing that same data.… …   Dictionary of networking

  • computer — computerlike, adj. /keuhm pyooh teuhr/, n. 1. Also called processor. an electronic device designed to accept data, perform prescribed mathematical and logical operations at high speed, and display the results of these operations. Cf. analog… …   Universalium

  • automata theory — Body of physical and logical principles underlying the operation of any electromechanical device (an automaton) that converts information input in one form into another, or into some action, according to an algorithm. Norbert Wiener and Alan M.… …   Universalium

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